Veep: New Hampshire
June 9, 2014 3:02 PM - Season 3, Episode 10 - Subscribe

Season 3 Finale

episode description from wikipedia: Selina is about to become president while also trying to do well in the New Hampshire primary; The Danny Chung torture story finally learns that Dan is one who started the rumor, and needs Jonah to take the blame.
posted by troika (7 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
(the full description is under the fold because it seemed unnecessarily spoilery)
posted by troika at 7:07 PM on June 9, 2014

The physical comedy of JL-D was amazingly good: after her television address, when she pivots and knows she has to take that long squeaky walk back down the hallway, and the numerous expressions that play across her face.... hilarious. I hope she gets a second Emmy.
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome at 7:23 PM on June 9, 2014

My theory / wishful thinking: Selena's short Presidential term goes well but not amazing, and she's estimated to come in a close second in the primaries. The front-runner for one reason or another offers to let her run as his VP pick. The front-runner wins and we have four more seasons of Veep.

I have no idea if that's Constitutionally possible or not, though...
posted by Ian A.T. at 6:36 AM on June 10, 2014 [2 favorites]

I like that, it would keep her scrambling for power and of course abusing her second-in-command position for all it's worth.

Favorite lines:

- "His blood type is DC"

- "The fuck stops here, Dan."

- "This is like Kathy Bates in 'Misery'..."

- "A beautiful shoe for a beautiful..." / "OK, that's enough of that!"

- *snaps photo of Selina with pained expression*

"Delete that! In what world would that photograph work?!"
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome at 11:53 AM on June 10, 2014 [1 favorite]

Do we know if there's another season coming? I hope so.
posted by grubi at 1:33 PM on June 10, 2014

Yes! Both Veep and Silicon Valley were renewed.
posted by troika at 1:35 PM on June 10, 2014 [1 favorite]

I was very happy with the ending to this season and the season generally.
posted by michaelh at 8:28 PM on June 10, 2014

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