Roderick on the Line: Ep. 136: "Goofus MacGroofus"
December 31, 2014 2:47 PM - Subscribe

The Problem: Beans are a secret vegetable.

A shorter episode this time, coming in under an hour. "What a Day!"; Merlin's $70,000 idea for Taco Bell - Hot Dogs! John's story of Chili and the Roundhouse; more talk about regional chili and Nathan's hot dogs; on being a Pan Man (e.g. Guy Feri, Sammy Hagar, Etc); Merlin has started to "sauce" food; Pho and John's first encounter with the soup; Should food touch other food? and eating in patterns; recordings of John's dad doing Judge stuff; is Merlin a Pan Man? Puka Shells and Crystals; a side trip into KISS; John makes a resolution for 2015.

This episode of Roderick on the Line is brought to you by Cards Against Humanity. They asked not to read an ad.
posted by jazon (6 comments total)
There has been some speculation if John's resolution means the podcast will go on hiatus, but there's no indication that is the case.
posted by jazon at 2:48 PM on December 31, 2014 [1 favorite]

Hope not. I must know what the female counterpart to the Pan Man is.
posted by Kitty Stardust at 3:12 AM on January 1, 2015

I think I found what can only be described as Peak Pan Man: Sammy Hagar getting a "rumerator" built on American Restoration.

I'll break it down: Sammy Hagar(!) wants to get a 1950s refrigerator(!) redone in surf-themed bright paint(!) and neon(!) with tikis(!) that spits out his own brand of rum(!) in his Cabo bar(!) in Mexico, which he says is to "get the liquor, quicker!"(!).

The guy doing restorations on this TV show is from Las Vegas(!), has frosted hair(!), a soul patch(!) and wears denim shirts(!) with the sleeves torn off(!) and those sleeves aren't cut off mind you, but torn, so every denim vest(!) is frayed. After the reveal, they drink rum from it and woot and holler about how badass it is and finish it up with high fives(!).
posted by mathowie at 7:22 AM on January 1, 2015 [4 favorites]

I got the feeling from the resolution that the long awaited new Long Winters album that I've heard described as nearly done since like 2009 might finally be completed?
posted by mathowie at 7:50 AM on January 1, 2015

I hope that's the case, mathowie, I recall John said on an earlier episode that everything but the lead lyrics was tracked and ready to go.

Then he can celebrate with a rumerator of his own. Woo!
posted by jazon at 9:55 AM on January 1, 2015

Gene Simmons is Donald Trump in dragon boots. I LOLed loud enough for my neighbours to hear.
posted by srboisvert at 3:03 PM on January 2, 2015 [2 favorites]

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