Roderick on the Line: Ep. 140: "Nadir for Now"
January 26, 2015 12:07 PM - Subscribe

The Problem: Left means wall. (Note: By very popular demand of our listeners, here’s a recent unreleased episode of Roderick on the Line. It was recorded on November 24, 2014.)

This episode is 1:18:39; here we go!

How's it going? Super Good! This is it - the Nadir (for now); A midlife may come from a lack of gratitude.

Books: John re-read The Meaning of Hitler (not Explaining Hitler); but, evil is not something you want to start your podcast with; Merlin's job for 5 years was really making sure that an industry was the cause of an illness; we all should know more about radon.

An addendum to the "Keep Moving AND Get Out Of The Way" philosophy: no matter how fast you're moving, someone wants to go faster; get out of the way of the bullet; the Moving Walkways at airports are just the worst; the theory of Inertial Relativism; Driving in New York.

Merlin tells a dating story (sort of); Prague; how big is Germany; more on Prague; the German Coat-of-Arms featuring the Bundesadler.

Sugar is weird; the 30 years war; we're all just soylent green in a Taco Bell; Dim Sum; John attended a Judas Priest concert; metal is not for 67-year-olds; the 80's are still a culture; Bill Cosby culture; Let me tell you something about PUNK ROCK.
posted by jazon (2 comments total)
I love the "Keep Moving AND Get Out Of The Way" philosophy but if they are including England in their idealized pedestrian EU they are really badly offtrack. The Chicago Bears could dramatically improve the blocking ability of linemen just by importing random English people and telling them to pretend they are on the High Street shopping.
posted by srboisvert at 7:11 AM on January 27, 2015

I bought a t-shirt. It's kind of amazing how many they've sold.
posted by mathowie at 8:48 PM on January 28, 2015

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