Judge John Hodgman: The Grandfather Claws
February 16, 2015 9:21 AM - Subscribe

Should an elderly cat be treated as a family member?

Page with the evidence here. (Spoilers in the comments.)
posted by Shmuel510 (14 comments total)
I have no quibbles with the verdict, as far as it goes. Neither human came off looking very good. But having one room as a cat-free zone is reasonable, and frequent litter changes ought to be a given for the cat's sake.
posted by Shmuel510 at 9:22 AM on February 16, 2015

Yes, Melanie is a heartless monster, but Josh is a bad cat dad. Even I think letting a flea-infested outside cat onto your bed is gross.
posted by Kitty Stardust at 9:58 AM on February 16, 2015

I listened to most of this episode with my jaw hanging open (well, mentally anyway). At first, I thought Melanie was kind of horrible (and I'm not a pet person, I am grossed out by animals sleeping in beds, etc) but she sounded SO MEAN. But then I realized about halfway through the episode that Josh was a really terrible pet owner and blew off her reasonable complaints about the cat (empty the cat box, wanting a cat-free bed) and now she loathed the cat.

The verdict was good, but these people should probably go their separate ways and DEFINITELY NOT HAVE A FUCKING BABY, WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT, OMG.
posted by Aquifer at 10:29 AM on February 16, 2015 [2 favorites]

When I was in the process of ending my first marriage, I raged about those stupid goddamn cats my spouse brought into the marriage. I had no opinion whatsoever about those cats previous to that argument. Melanie and Josh are not going to be married for long.
posted by Etrigan at 10:39 AM on February 16, 2015

Yes, these two really need to break up. Also, she knew about the cat going in. Also, if he got rid of the cat to please her it would likely be killed, so that just makes her even meaner.

I have sympathies about living with certain cat issues myself, but man, she's mean. AND DO NOT HAVE A BABY.
posted by jenfullmoon at 11:30 AM on February 16, 2015

nthing no baby, please, please, no baby.

The Cheat deserves better.
posted by minsies at 11:49 AM on February 16, 2015

Oh man, Melanie sounded like a stone-cold ass for most of this. I mean, Josh has a lot to answer for as a cat dad and husband, but she is a very mean lady who knew he had a cat he was both attached to, and lackadaisical about, before she moved in. I'm still seething about her meanness.

And I really felt for John Hodgman when he was basically begging them to be sincere since his is not a fakey joke podcast and he suspected they were playing up their extreme opinions for effect.
posted by Squeak Attack at 2:19 PM on February 16, 2015 [2 favorites]

Oh, I think most of you misread this. I thought Melanie was horrible and I actually turned off this episode about ten minutes into it because I couldn't handle how awful she was being about cats. A friend insisted the episode was worth it, so I finished it a day later.

I think they were both doing a deadpan bit the whole time. I think they're both pretty funny, and towards the end the cracks started to show and John had to give them a long talk about goofing around. At that point, I wasn't too confident anything they said up until the end was entirely truthful, I think they were both doing a bit of play-acting throughout.

I do have to say the response from Melanie at the very end that cracked John up was one of the biggest laughs I ever got from this show, which did kind of make the whole affair worth it, even though I think they were pulling everyone's chains all along.
posted by mathowie at 9:32 PM on February 16, 2015

They (particularly Melanie) were behaving in a very identifiable particularly British mode of snark*. I have many friends who are similar (or in fact worse) and have been together for much much longer. It's a thing. Rest assured that when she talks of having a baby or murdering the cat she is not serious. Note layer on when forced to drop what is probably a fairly perpetual snark Josh quite uncomfortably admits how much and how sincerely he loves Melanie.

*snark is not quite the right word. But it's the best I have to offer right now.
posted by Just this guy, y'know at 12:49 AM on February 17, 2015

Oh, I think most of you misread this.

I didn't misread it. I know she was meant to be joking. I still thought she was horrible. And not funny.
posted by Squeak Attack at 10:32 AM on February 17, 2015

I agree with Squeak Attack - I knew what they were doing, but didn't find it funny. (Except for the "thirsty" bit at the end, but that was mostly because of Judge Hodgman's reaction.)

I live in the UK and have a fairly dry sense of humour, but it was too much for me, especially in such a concentrated dose.
posted by minsies at 10:36 AM on February 17, 2015

I thought Melanie was horrible and I actually turned off this episode about ten minutes into it because I couldn't handle how awful she was being about cats.

I did exactly this, and even though you've piqued my curiosity, I can't quite bring myself to go back and listen to it. I wish guests would trust the Judge and Jesse to find the humor naturally rather than mug for it.
posted by gladly at 12:21 PM on February 17, 2015

I hope we get an update on this episode.
posted by Kitty Stardust at 12:19 PM on February 22, 2015

i would not want to have a drink with either guest. She seemed horrible, and he seemed like an idiot. I'm not convinced they were putting on a performance.
posted by sevenyearlurk at 2:52 PM on March 1, 2015

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