Inside Amy Schumer: Fight Like a Girl
June 3, 2015 5:10 PM - Season 3, Episode 7 - Subscribe

A solid episode, with Amy as a first-time stripper for dogs in a bit that gets gloriously weirder and weirder; getting a mail-order husband thanks to Ambien; and running a dojo for emotional combat training.

This week's interview is with fellow stand-up comic Kurt Metzger and his girlfriend, who have an open relationship. Metzger is a writer on the show and also played the mail-order husband, and has a history of being an asshole to women.
posted by Etrigan (8 comments total)
That museum for boyfriend fashion disasters was really well done. It could have gone quickly into offensive territory, but it stayed under control. The mountain of Crocs was great.

The guy's history notwithstanding, I thought the interview went more like I wish they were done, with Amy stepping back and letting the guests talk. She was pretty restrained on this one.
posted by Thorzdad at 6:10 PM on June 3, 2015

That museum for boyfriend fashion disasters was really well done. It could have gone quickly into offensive territory, but it stayed under control.

I forgot about that one. My spouse was of the opinion that Schumer could get away with it because she's Jewish (especially the Crocs mountain).

In other Schumerania: "I'm 160 pounds and I can catch a dick whenever I want."
posted by Etrigan at 7:35 AM on June 4, 2015 [1 favorite]

The way the show can tweak the whole "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" thing and make it into jokes that comment on both genders without it becoming some cliche feels like magic. It always feels like it could just go completely off the rails into stuff that's either tired or offensive, but it doesn't.
posted by MCMikeNamara at 12:42 PM on June 4, 2015

Both the boyfriend-fashion museum and the emotional-combat dojo skits made me wince, but I think I loved them? This show has me so confused sometimes.

posted by psoas at 2:29 PM on June 4, 2015

The boyfriend fashion museum felt slightly hacky until they showed the young DJ ensemble and said it was worn by a 55-year old. I got on board right then. I even laughed at Croc Mountain, and I am guilty of wearing a bright purple pair to my building's laundry room.

The way the show can tweak the whole "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" thing and make it into jokes that comment on both genders without it becoming some cliche feels like magic.

I think that's why when I read that Schumer had been asked to be the next Bachelorette (however joking it was), I thought it was brilliant. She could absolutely destroy that show from the inside.
posted by gladly at 3:26 PM on June 4, 2015

Realizing the boyfriend atrocities museum was a parody of the holocaust museum in DC was a helluva comedy moment. Wincing/loving is exactly it, psoas. The whole thing was brilliantly done - the hiding of the calf-high tube socks in the attic for weeks at a time, the "first he wore a braided belt and I said nothing," the mountain of crocs, the music, the denier guy, it was as pitch-perfect as the 12 Angry Men parody.

The dog sketch, though, was just plain dumb. I get by now that a lot of Schumer's ideas each week will fall flat (started watching the last season on demand a few months ago and it's always been that way), but it's still weird to have a show be so fucking good at observational comedy about gender and everthing else under the sun yet also be so ridiculously enamored of The Stupid, in the same episode, week after week. The mix is obviously working for her so i'll take what I can get while it lasts, but I can't help wishing as I watch each episode for a balance that tilted more toward the smarter stuff.

But damn is her smarter stuff great.
posted by mediareport at 6:15 PM on June 4, 2015

And wow, that article about Metzger. I found the interview about his open relationship pretty dull but the info about his response to criticism of rape jokes is really disturbing. Makes me trust Schumer's judgment less.

Much less, actually. Thanks for the reminder to keep my expectations low.
posted by mediareport at 6:30 PM on June 4, 2015

There was also the time Metzger went on a bizarre, weirdly timed tirade on Rebecca Watson's Facebook page and then wound up accidentally agreeing with the Taliban.

The man is either a raving misogynist or is actively testing online media to see how long it takes him to get fired.
posted by maxsparber at 9:48 AM on June 5, 2015

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