My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 294: Goofbusters
March 14, 2016 2:13 PM - Subscribe

AWWWW DUNK. It's MaxFunDrive time! We're kicking off a two-week celebration of your generosity with this an episode that's just, like, chock-full of pandering. By which we mean we revive all of our classic bits, some of which were dead for very good reasons. Donate at! Suggested talking points: Haunted Doll Watch, Hat Stink, Quinoa Month, The Saddest Lib, Lil' Musky, Boogle, Mailroom Ghost, Dr. M'Crum, Truck Month, Regarding Marrying Sonic Characters

This is a very "moist" episode.
posted by drezdn (2 comments total)
Quinoa: it's fat sand.
posted by Tevin at 3:06 PM on March 14, 2016 [2 favorites]

Weirdly, Justin's description of an animated movie where the camera pulls back to reveal the animators is actually the way Boxtrolls ends.
posted by maxsparber at 8:57 PM on March 14, 2016 [1 favorite]

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