Preacher: Sokosha   Show Only 
July 26, 2017 9:19 AM - Season 2, Episode 6 - Subscribe

The Saint of Killers catches up with Jesse, Tulip and Cassidy, and we get to learn something about the Saint, Jesse and Cassidy as the Preacher strikes a bargain with a killer.
posted by filthy light thief (14 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
First off, I marked this as Show Only, in case someone wants to make a separate thread to discuss how this relates to the comics, now that the show is tracking with the comics.

On this episode, it seems like Jesse's Plan B is pretty crappy, considering how relentless the Saint of Killers is. I guess Jesse might hope that he's dead (or he finds God?) before the doors rot off the makeshift coffin for SoK.

(And now I'm wondering what happens to folks who sold a fraction of their souls - are they judged by their deeds and the deeds of those who now have a bit of their souls?)
posted by filthy light thief at 9:22 AM on July 26, 2017 [1 favorite]

First off, I marked this as Show Only, in case someone wants to make a separate thread to discuss how this relates to the comics, now that the show is tracking with the comics.

Feels like not a lot of us are watching this. This might be a moment for a single season thread for that. Anybody else have an opinion?

On this episode, it seems like Jesse's Plan B is pretty crappy, considering how relentless the Saint of Killers is. I guess Jesse might hope that he's dead (or he finds God?) before the doors rot off the makeshift coffin for SoK.

Right? Giving the Saint a weakness was brilliant, but leaving him in a cell that must inevitably fail was just asking for trouble. All the same, it felt like classic Jesse: he's just smart enough to well and truly get himself into trouble.

(And now I'm wondering what happens to folks who sold a fraction of their souls - are they judged by their deeds and the deeds of those who now have a bit of their souls?)

I'm not at all certain that the Saint is right about how that works. It felt like a gambit to me - like, 'do you want to risk it?' rather than 'I have the inside track.' I mean, he's a murder machine, not a theologian. And again with Jesse just isn't that bright - I can't imagine why he thinks he's going to Heaven given that his entire plan hinges on finding and pissing off God personally.

If the Saint is right, I suspect the window on that is temporary - it probably passes once the new body accepts the donor's partial soul. (The Saint might be a special case, having no soul of his own to assimilate Jesse's contribution though. I guess this might be the one instance where the two of them share a linked fate.)

Other thoughts:
* I knew what was going on as soon as the soul buyer inserted the catheter. I dunno how, it just seemed like exactly where Preacher would go. Also, I laughed out loud at the dramatic music followed by SOUL HAPPY GO GO.

On a more serious note, I'm wondering what's up with Jesse's family being in the soul business. That seems like it can't possibly be good, and means they might even pose a threat to his containment of Genesis if they figure out how the Word works.

* The research montage about killed me, including the bit about Dick Cheney and part of their answers being found in a comic book. Best send-up of the whole 'go to the library and research the monster' bit ever.

* Tulip talking Jesse through a makeshift bomb over the phone was brilliant.

* I am concerned that Tulip might have aftereffects from the Saint's touch. She cited it specifically and looked bad, and we don't know if he has some kind of cancer-touch because hardly anyone survives an encounter with him in the first place.

* Poor Denis. Doubly so since Jesse hid the Saint's weapons beneath his toilet - I assume Denis will be an early casualty when the Saint gets loose again.

* Cassidy continues to be a complicated guy. I appreciate that. I liked his apology, and his hurt at not getting one back. He's really trying to be a stand-up guy here. (I'd argue he's trying a lot harder than Jesse is right now.)

In closing: I loved this episode in spite of its flaws, which would probably be my tagline for the entire show. It's not perfect, but I frequently worry that I will hurt myself laughing at it.
posted by mordax at 10:00 AM on July 26, 2017 [1 favorite]

If Jesse were smart I feel like this show would only need one episode. "God exists physically on this planet, use every resource at your disposal to find him and alert me of his location. Do not harm anyone, including yourself, for any reason. After one year, if you have not found God, cease your search dedicate yourself to bettering the world, using methods which cause no harm and promote individual freedom."
posted by FallowKing at 12:58 PM on July 26, 2017 [2 favorites]

If Jesse were smart I feel like this show would only need one episode.

Maybe. I personally think there's no way that him trying that would not go horrifically sideways. (Also, there's shades of Angel S4 there, which actually makes it a fun thought experiment.)
posted by mordax at 2:55 PM on July 26, 2017

Oh, that said: I want Jesse to be dumb, absolutely. Half the fun here is definitely tied up in that. :)
posted by mordax at 3:01 PM on July 26, 2017

On this episode, it seems like Jesse's Plan B is pretty crappy, considering how relentless the Saint of Killers is.

Well to be fair, he did have to come up with that plan in the space of a few seconds after abandoning the original 'Send Killer To Hell' ploy.

The research montage about killed me, including the bit about Dick Cheney and part of their answers being found in a comic book.

Not just any comic book, but several of those were actual issues of Preacher... can't ever mistake that drawing of the SoK!

I absolutely loved the subversion of the classic 'find an ancient, inscrutably vague translation of a nebulous prophecy relating to the topic in the furthest stacks of the library to defeat the mystic baddie' trope by having eight million pop resources that fully and completely detail the entire SoK mythos, including the parts that no living person could *possibly* actually know (like what really happens in Hell), audiobooks and children's books included. That cracked me up to no end!
posted by FatherDagon at 6:40 PM on July 26, 2017 [3 favorites]

Not just any comic book, but several of those were actual issues of Preacher... can't ever mistake that drawing of the SoK!

I actually paused mine to bore my poor girlfriend* with an extended segue about how meta that was! Oh, and to compare and contrast it to the whole Supernatural 'Winchester Gospel' thing.

(* she doesn't really watch TV)
posted by mordax at 7:50 PM on July 26, 2017

I did notice what looked like the actual comics, but since I haven't read them, I surmised they might have just been created for the series.

And I am watching this to the end!
posted by arzakh at 3:45 AM on July 27, 2017

FallowKing: If Jesse were smart I feel like this show would only need one episode

If his prior efforts to direct people, and most stories about wishes being granted, there's usually a loophope, unforeseen circumstance, or other flaw in the decree or direction that comes back to bite the wisher in the arse, and hard.
posted by filthy light thief at 7:44 AM on July 27, 2017

Not a comic reader much and did not even know it was from a comic, generally enjoy the magicish genre, but gotta say this show is the first in a long time that steadily goes places that are a total wtf, unpredictable, internally consistent in an omg what is that little pill about, "ooohhhhh" that's going to have consequences. There seems to be some gratuitous edginess but it all fits, totally sqicked by Eugene, that actor must have the toughest makeup call. But usually at this point in a fantasy show there's some deus ex machina fairy of some variety showing up, this show is tightly plotted.
posted by sammyo at 8:31 AM on July 27, 2017

Honestly I can accept any and everything bizarre, spiritual, supernatural, whatever with this show. The thing that pisses me off to no end is the visible lying by omission that constantly happens and hampers the plot's progress.

All those times where we see Tulip visibly ruminating and refusing to tell Jesse valuable information, and vice versa, is maddening. In my headcanon I assume it's because they (rightfully) suspect that ne'er-do-wells are always listening to their phone conversations or they're being surveilled.

But damn, it's one of the tropes I hate most in fiction, which is "withhold necessary information solely to heighten tension or delay the plot's progress." TV writing's come a thousand leagues since the mid-90s in quality, and I want to see this go in the same circle of hell that sitcom laugh tracks belong in.
posted by Unicorn on the cob at 5:28 PM on July 27, 2017 [2 favorites]

Just wanted to add, how long y'all think those Happy Soul Go Go employees ran before they collapsed from exhaustion or died? It's hard to find good, discreet employees these days!
posted by Unicorn on the cob at 5:30 PM on July 27, 2017

But damn, it's one of the tropes I hate most in fiction, which is "withhold necessary information solely to heighten tension or delay the plot's progress." TV writing's come a thousand leagues since the mid-90s in quality, and I want to see this go in the same circle of hell that sitcom laugh tracks belong in.

That trope is absolutely one of the worst and drives me mad as well. However I do draw a significant line between the 'about to tell vital info but there's an interruption and oh well I guess the character is now unable to finish that sentence' and 'character has an active and actual personal motivation to withhold/conceal information' (shame, fear, guilt, etc - all very much factors in the Tulip / Jesse / Cassidy dynamic).
posted by FatherDagon at 6:00 PM on July 27, 2017 [1 favorite]

Just wanted to add, how long y'all think those Happy Soul Go Go employees ran before they collapsed from exhaustion or died?

He didn't tell them to run. He told them to get lost. As long as they don't know where they are, they can rest and eat all they want.
posted by The Man from Lardfork at 6:28 AM on July 28, 2017 [1 favorite]

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