The Librarians: And the Christmas Thief
December 20, 2017 7:23 PM - Season 4, Episode 3 - Subscribe

When Santa takes Flynn, Baird and Jenkins on his first vacation in centuries, he leaves his beloved sleigh in the care of the Librarians. But when Ezekiel's career criminal mother steals the magic door, they must use the sleigh to save her, as well as Christmas itself...

from Santa's Grinch of a brother, the Patron Saint of Thieves.
posted by oh yeah! (3 comments total)
I got all excited when I read Santa in the blurb, thinking they were finally bringing Bruce Campbell back, but no. And making Ezekiel an altruist-thief seems like a huge ret-con from his previously-established character. So, some cute comedy beats with the Stone & the sleigh, and Cassandra's ugly Christmas sweaters, but, meh.
posted by oh yeah! at 7:30 PM on December 20, 2017

I liked the Ezekiel backstory. I could believe that the earlier presentation was all a front; I'm not sure whether Stone or Cassandra know any of the stuff that he told his mother in this episode.
posted by inconstant at 11:40 AM on December 21, 2017

As retcons go it's pretty inoffensive. We never did get Ezekiel presented as someone all that concerned with keeping material possessions; the gags have always been over him wanting to take the opportunities to steal. I don't know that we've seen anything consistent with it needing to be a challenge, though, so that doesn't jibe perfectly. But mostly his character has been defined by him being flighty and arrogant and this doesn't subvert that terribly.
posted by phearlez at 1:21 PM on February 2, 2018

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