Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: The Equal Rights Amendment
June 23, 2019 9:44 PM - Season 6, Episode 14 - Subscribe

Ep 6-14 was on the Equal Rights Amendment, which infamous got all the way up to the finish line but stopped just short of being ratified by enough states, and because of it sex discrimination is not unconstitutional. What is it, and why did it stall out? Here's the piece on YouTube (16m).
posted by JHarris (3 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
What are the states that are up to pass it again? Can this happen before the challenges to rose v Wade teach the supreme court?
posted by eustatic at 6:48 AM on June 26, 2019

Sorry, Roe v Wade, "reach".

Florida is one of the states, and one of the states will a bill in process, but it is uphill in an R legislature.
posted by eustatic at 4:56 AM on June 27, 2019

It also, as the episode notes, needs to have another ratification time extension in Congress before it can pass, which is unlikely with the Rs in the Senate right now. So much good could be done in this country if it weren't for those idiotic, hide-bound, obstructionist, often outright evil people there. May the blue wave flush them out.
posted by JHarris at 11:37 AM on June 27, 2019

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