Fringe: The Man From The Other Side
November 30, 2014 8:52 PM - Season 2, Episode 18 - Subscribe

A well-ordered mind is reflected in its well-ordered surroundings, which is maybe why Walter's lab is a mess. The Fringe team gets called into a murder victim, who has three puncture wounds in the soft palate. Peter unboxes an interesting find, and Walter goes chasing cars. Olivia goes to Verona, and Astrid sadly doesn't get to put her linguistic skills to work. Finally, an old adversary becomes a bridge-builder.
posted by the man of twists and turns (1 comment total)
Man. Hasn't stoner boyfriend ever seen a horror movie? Do not go and look at the scary thing in the derelict warehouse! And certainly don't poke it with a spade!

I have to admit. I've always been a little hazy on how the shapeshifters cross into this universe. I'm sure it's covered somewhere, but it's like I skipped over that chapter in the Fringe course textbook. And why don't the shapeshifters take the underwear from their victims? Does everyone go commando in the other universe? I feel like I need remedial tuition or something on all these points.

Good thing Brandon just happened to have two metronomes randomly hanging around the lab there. A bit like Nina just happened to have two NYC snow globes on hand so she could niftily demonstrate the two universes smashing together principle a few episodes ago.
posted by Sonny Jim at 1:22 PM on December 13, 2015

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