American Gods: A Winter's Tale   Show Only 
January 18, 2021 8:10 AM - Season 3, Episode 1 - Subscribe

A meeting with the god Wisakedjak leaves Shadow with a prophecy about his destiny. Shadow tries to make a life for himself in Milwaukee, but finds himself drawn to Lakeside after he meets up with Wednesday. Bilquist demonstrates her power to Technical Boy, World puts a new scheme in motion, and Shadow gets a warning about his destiny.

From the AV Club: "American Gods season-three premiere on Starz stumbles into the party like a show out of time ... it still feels awkward, even as it finally figures out what sort of show it can be. Season three certainly seems to want to get back to what made the first season such a hit."
posted by jazon (4 comments total)
I mean, I think after uh sixteen gotdang episodes I finally kinda sort know what the fuck is going on enough to be engaged in more than just the pretty pictures? Too much of the first and large chunks of the second season sorta danced around Gods Without Names, and I'm sure that's true to the books, goddamn if it made some of the plot points a bit slow going.

Also I dunno what to say but if the Milwaukee scenes were actually filmed anywhere near Milwaukee, I'll need receipts. Also I don't think you get a real pasty tradition anywhere south of Iron Mountain. I mean yes there's one 33 blocks away from my home in Milwaukee, but the last time I had one from them it wasn't very good.
posted by Kyol at 2:10 PM on January 18, 2021

(also I'm not sure if the implication was that they just have baskets of pasties for customers to pick from, like a bagel or a loaf of bread? And, uh, no. ew. Just, no.)
posted by Kyol at 2:31 PM on January 18, 2021 [1 favorite]

Thanks for posting this jazon!

I was pumped for season 1, felt let down by season 2 (too much use of CG just because of CG, lack of artistry; deviation from source material). This is kind of a reset button (and s03e02 rekindles the promise somewhat) with Shadow's new look - and implications thereof.

Am thrilled to the gills by Mr. World's transformation. Absolutely giddy.
posted by porpoise at 8:42 PM on January 18, 2021 [3 favorites]

It's a weird, uneven, occasionally charming show. If Mad Sweeny comes back, I'll watch more without a second thought. If he doesn't... I'll probably watch anyway, just to see if Odin's teeth are explained. I waited for the whole of the second episode to see what was going to happen there. Now I'll have to watch at least one more episode...

Shadow moon has a great name but not much else going for him narratively. I don't care that he's Odin's son or blah, whatever. He was interesting when his wife was looking for him because she was able to 'see' him and why was that? But in the fight with Sweeny, it's kind of all revealed and after that. And he started out so sketchy (relatively) and now he's all hard working guy.
posted by From Bklyn at 8:33 AM on January 23, 2021

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