Hello Tomorrow!: The Numbers Behind the Numbers
March 11, 2023 9:38 AM - Season 1, Episode 6 - Subscribe

A year ago, Jack gets fired by a computer, makes a friend, and has an idea. "No one is not a dreamer."
posted by Etrigan (3 comments total)
They're getting so close to reeling me back in. I feel like Jack, knowing that it can work, even if it's just treading water right now.
posted by Etrigan at 9:45 AM on March 11, 2023

Yeah, on the one hand you can sort of see the shape of what it wants to do (both the show and Jack), on the other hand... eh? I can't tell if we're supposed to be rooting for him, or cheering on Allison Pill and wossis-Flag-Means-Death-name? But it doesn't feel like they're moving the plot ahead to anything in particular, really.
posted by Kyol at 6:27 AM on March 20, 2023

Like mostly I actually kind of enjoy the other swirling stories, Myrtle trying to get revenge for not being able to fly away from her abusive husband, Lester trying to shut down a scam operation, Betty and Herb's relationship, and Eddie being Hank Azaria, mostly? But the whole like _core_ of the show, the whole absentee father Jack / Joey thing? Jack using his father's lunar land to spin off a dream? Meh. I mean, Billy is selling it, but it's not grabbing me.
posted by Kyol at 7:04 AM on March 20, 2023

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