Person of Interest: One Percent
December 16, 2024 4:22 PM - Season 2, Episode 14 - Subscribe
Reese and Finch must protect Logan Pierce, a self-made internet billionaire and playboy with a penchant for breaking rules and making enemies.
Finch tells Reese that Logan Pierce, this week's POI, is a genius-level billionaire who started a social networking website with his best friend from college, Justin Ogilvy. They're taking the website,, public in 72 hours and figure Justin doesn't want Logan dead. Reese was unable to clone Logan's phone earlier, but Finch points out that Logan switches phones twice a day to avoid corporate espionage. Logan is attending a charity even that night and provides Reese with a bow tie.
At the station, Carter is going over the file on the dead IA detective, Davidson. When Fusco comes over, Carter asks if he knows about another missing detective, Stills. Before he can answer, Finch calls to email her the detail on lawsuits involving Logan, who has 200 lawsuits against him. Once he hangs up, Finch calls to Bear and tosses the dog a ball, but Bear doesn't respond.
At the charity event, Reese spots Logan and Justin. Justin has been friends with Logan for over 10 years since their days at CalTech. The third man with them is Jeremy Campbell, Logan's lawyer. Friendczar is the law firm's only client. Logan notices Reese and comes over, but soon dismisses Reese as boring when he tries to talk money.
2001 Finch is working on a new algorithm when Nathan comes in and tells him that something happened that morning. He shows Finch a broadcast about the 9/11 attacks and wonders what they're going to do to put a stop to similar attacks in the future.
At the office, Richard Grant is complaining about how Friendczar ruined his small startup. Finch explains that Logan sues any CEO for patent violation if they challenge him. However, when Logan wakes up, he tells the plaintiff that they screwed up and offers to pay him the venture capital he owes. The lawyers for the next plaintiff, Emily Morton, come in. Carter has confirmed that Emily sold her matchmaking site to Friendczar in return for them taking it public, but they buried it instead. Emily's lawyer complains that her client was intimidated into staying away. Logan says that he's going to Coney Island for lunch and leaves. Finch figures the timing is too perfect and Reese wonders if Logan and Justin have something to do with Emily's disappearance.
As Logan goes, Sinclair approaches him and complains about him walking down the street near-naked. When Logan ignores him, Sinclair tells Jeremy to get his client to focus or he'll call an emergency board meeting. Logan overhears him and dares him to try and see which of them the board would choose. The chairman backs down and Logan takes off for Coney Island.
Posing as emergency services, Finch answers Logan call a when he loses control of his car, while Reese catches up. Finch takes out the malware just in time, and Reese parks next to the car only to discover that Logan has already left and hailed a taxi. Reese says that he can't protect someone he can't keep up with.
Later, Reese barges into Logan's office, knocking out his guard, and tells him the truth: his life is in danger and he can only protect him if Logan lets him stick with him for the next 48 hours. Logan looks at his unconscious guard and then says that it sounds like fun. and that they'll need to try a different tactic.
2009 Nathan comes to see Finch and tells him that the Machine will be at the facility in 10 days. Finch reminds Nathan of their conversation years earlier and suggests that they invest in green initiatives. However, Nathan says that they had their chance with the Machine and they've given it away. Nathan hints that he built in a back door. Disappointed, Finch says that either they move on together or they don't, and Nathan walks away.
Logan takes Reese to his penthouse apartment and Logan remembers the drink Reese had at the auction. Reese points out that he's late for his own party, but Logan says he has something more important to do and settles down to play video football. Meanwhile, Finch sends Reese footage of an earlier statement Logan made for the news telling people to hold off on buying Friendczar's overvalued stock. The board has called an emergency meeting and removed Logan as CEO of Friendczar. Reese gives the news to Logan, who simply takes a drink. He starts choking and Reese realizes that he's having an allergic reaction. Logan says that he's allergic to naproxen and Reese rams an air hose from the bar down Logan's throat saving his life.
Once Logan recovers, he admits that all of his friends had access to his home and that he recently developed the allergy. He insists that he just keeps moving forward so he can stay alive, and Reese points out that Logan's parents went bankrupt. Logan explains that his father owned a camera shop and continued with it until film became extinct and he failed to adapt to selling digital. Since then, Logan has vowed to accept change as inevitable so it doesn't crush him, and that the one thing people consistently wants is a connection to real people. He settles in for the night, and Reese tells Finch that they need to meet.
Finch meets Reese on a street corner and explains that Bear didn't come. Finch suggests that Bear is under stress because of stress in the library and asks if Reese is having any issues. Reese claims he isn't aware of any and suggests that they move Logan now that his home is compromised. Finch agrees, but they're both surprised when Logan comes up and asks who Finch is. He knows about the bug in his credit card and how Finch hacked into his car's systems earlier, and figures that Finch is the brains and the bank. Logan also figures Reese for former special ops, and has confirmed that he and Finch don't exist. He's impressed that they have managed to maintain their anonymity and wonders why they do what they do. Finch points out that they've saved his life twice and tells him that they're taking him to a safehouse. Logan says that the city is too dangerous and he has a better place.
Ten hours later, Logan and Reese take a plane to St. Petersburg, Russia. Logan takes him to a bomb shelter made into a bar that he knows and offers Reese double-fried pierogies.
Finch offers Bear food but the dog just lies there and whines. When the food doesn't work, Finch starts to look up information on canine depression. Carter calls to tell Finch that he got a partial print off the decanter that matched with Jeremy.
Jeremy comes in and explains that Logan sent him a text. Logan tells Reese that when the board forced him out, they relinquished his non-complete clause and he's now looking for a new job. Finch calls to tell Reese that Jeremy's prints were on the decanter. Jeremy also filed Logan's recent medical insurance application. Reese accuses Jeremy of spiking the alcohol and the lawyer denies it. Finch figures that Jeremy wants Logan dead because he's his only client and can't afford to lose him. Jeremy jabs and Reese grabs his finger, twists him to the ground, and handcuffs him. Justin and a bunch of Logan's friends come in and Logan admits that he might have texted a few more friends. Disgusted, Reese walks out and tells Finch that Logan doesn't need their help.
In New York, Carter is going over the Davidson file when Fusco invites her out for coffee. She turns him down and explains that she's still trying to work out how two cops disappeared without a trace. Fusco thanks Carter for having his back and then starts to say he's made some mistakes. However, she warns him that she won't cover for his mistakes if they come back for him. Fusco says that he understands and Carter walks out.
As Reese heads for the airport, Finch tells him that Logan's number has come up again. He figures that either there's a new danger or Jeremy had an accomplice. Finch tracks Logan's credit card and confirms that it has been used to charge a room at a nearby hotel. When Reese goes to the hotel room, he gets no answer when he knocks and sees someone moving inside. Reese goes in, gun drawn, and finds Emily waiting for him with a gun. She says that "he" told her that someone else would come. Despite firing a warning shoot, Emily doesn't shoot Reese, and he disarms her. When he sees a bill on the table, he realizes that Logan put her up there because she's working with him.
Emily explains that Logan came by a week ago and moved her to St. Petersburg. He told her that someone was onto them. Finch realizes that Emily's social networking program will cannibalize Friendczar, and one man has the most to lose.
Logan meets Justin on a nearby bridge, and Justin has two hired thugs grab his friend and start beating him. They prepare to throw him off the bridge but Justin tells them to wait. When he wonders how Logan could let a woman come between them, Logan says that Emily reminds him of Justin before he decided to start bullying the competition. Justin points out that Logan left him to do make all the business decisions, and all of his friends want him dead. He tells his thugs to dump Logan and drives away in his car. Reese arrives, kneecaps one man, and then punches out the other.
2009 After monitoring the conversation between Nathan and Finch, the Machine runs a check on Anna Sanders. Later, Nathan parks outside Sanders' apartment and goes over a file showing that she filed a restraining order against her ex-boyfriend for assault. Anna comes out of her apartment and Nathan watches as the ex-boyfriend approaches her. He takes out a gun and braces himself.
Back at the library, Reese and Finch watch a newscast about Justin being brought up on murder charges. Friendczar stock is slumping after Logan his partnership with Emily and rival Ben Kamin.
Reese wonders why Logan didn't warn him about Justin when he had already warned Emily, and realizes that Logan wanted to see how he works. Logan smiles and then says that he figures that Reese does what he does out of altruism. He hands Reese a thank-you present and walks away.
Later, Finch takes Reese and Bear to the park. He explains that Bear needs a friend and lets him loose to play with another dog. Reese shows Finch Logan's present: an expensive watch like the one he wears. Finch smashes it on the ground, revealing a GPS inside, and worries that Logan is just curious enough to be dangerous. The Machine monitors the GPS tracker and traces it back to Logan who is then identified as a "Threat to Admin".
Points of Interest
According to Finch, Logan Pierce attended Caltech. Caltech is the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California, a private, highly-selective university which strongly emphasizes mathematics, science, engineering and technology. It has affiliations with NASA, The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and the U.S. Geological Survey, and hosts the nation's leading earthquake research program. Its campus is frequency used as a television location, and its rival is Finch's alma mater, MIT.
The Machine marks Pierce as as a potential threat and therefore someone to be monitored.
The scene where Finch learns about the 9/11 attacks mirrors the scene in "Pilot" where Reese finds out about the attacks. In both scenes,Finch and Reese see the reports and ask "Is that a plane?" Nathan Ingram and Jessica respond to them saying "It was two planes."
On three occasions, there has been one frame of code in the eye of the Machine, possibly relating to the virus or software that Greer and Stanton uploaded into the internet. (“Dead Reckoning” s2 e13)
The first blue screen (00:00:39) contains text from Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking scene in Shakespeare's Macbeth.
The second blue screen (00:20:51) contains text from the National Institutes of Health's bioterrorism page.
The third blue screen (00:40:16) contains text from the National Institutes of Health's Anthrax page.
Finch tells Reese that Logan Pierce, this week's POI, is a genius-level billionaire who started a social networking website with his best friend from college, Justin Ogilvy. They're taking the website,, public in 72 hours and figure Justin doesn't want Logan dead. Reese was unable to clone Logan's phone earlier, but Finch points out that Logan switches phones twice a day to avoid corporate espionage. Logan is attending a charity even that night and provides Reese with a bow tie.
At the station, Carter is going over the file on the dead IA detective, Davidson. When Fusco comes over, Carter asks if he knows about another missing detective, Stills. Before he can answer, Finch calls to email her the detail on lawsuits involving Logan, who has 200 lawsuits against him. Once he hangs up, Finch calls to Bear and tosses the dog a ball, but Bear doesn't respond.
At the charity event, Reese spots Logan and Justin. Justin has been friends with Logan for over 10 years since their days at CalTech. The third man with them is Jeremy Campbell, Logan's lawyer. Friendczar is the law firm's only client. Logan notices Reese and comes over, but soon dismisses Reese as boring when he tries to talk money.
2001 Finch is working on a new algorithm when Nathan comes in and tells him that something happened that morning. He shows Finch a broadcast about the 9/11 attacks and wonders what they're going to do to put a stop to similar attacks in the future.
At the office, Richard Grant is complaining about how Friendczar ruined his small startup. Finch explains that Logan sues any CEO for patent violation if they challenge him. However, when Logan wakes up, he tells the plaintiff that they screwed up and offers to pay him the venture capital he owes. The lawyers for the next plaintiff, Emily Morton, come in. Carter has confirmed that Emily sold her matchmaking site to Friendczar in return for them taking it public, but they buried it instead. Emily's lawyer complains that her client was intimidated into staying away. Logan says that he's going to Coney Island for lunch and leaves. Finch figures the timing is too perfect and Reese wonders if Logan and Justin have something to do with Emily's disappearance.
As Logan goes, Sinclair approaches him and complains about him walking down the street near-naked. When Logan ignores him, Sinclair tells Jeremy to get his client to focus or he'll call an emergency board meeting. Logan overhears him and dares him to try and see which of them the board would choose. The chairman backs down and Logan takes off for Coney Island.
Posing as emergency services, Finch answers Logan call a when he loses control of his car, while Reese catches up. Finch takes out the malware just in time, and Reese parks next to the car only to discover that Logan has already left and hailed a taxi. Reese says that he can't protect someone he can't keep up with.
Later, Reese barges into Logan's office, knocking out his guard, and tells him the truth: his life is in danger and he can only protect him if Logan lets him stick with him for the next 48 hours. Logan looks at his unconscious guard and then says that it sounds like fun. and that they'll need to try a different tactic.
2009 Nathan comes to see Finch and tells him that the Machine will be at the facility in 10 days. Finch reminds Nathan of their conversation years earlier and suggests that they invest in green initiatives. However, Nathan says that they had their chance with the Machine and they've given it away. Nathan hints that he built in a back door. Disappointed, Finch says that either they move on together or they don't, and Nathan walks away.
Logan takes Reese to his penthouse apartment and Logan remembers the drink Reese had at the auction. Reese points out that he's late for his own party, but Logan says he has something more important to do and settles down to play video football. Meanwhile, Finch sends Reese footage of an earlier statement Logan made for the news telling people to hold off on buying Friendczar's overvalued stock. The board has called an emergency meeting and removed Logan as CEO of Friendczar. Reese gives the news to Logan, who simply takes a drink. He starts choking and Reese realizes that he's having an allergic reaction. Logan says that he's allergic to naproxen and Reese rams an air hose from the bar down Logan's throat saving his life.
Once Logan recovers, he admits that all of his friends had access to his home and that he recently developed the allergy. He insists that he just keeps moving forward so he can stay alive, and Reese points out that Logan's parents went bankrupt. Logan explains that his father owned a camera shop and continued with it until film became extinct and he failed to adapt to selling digital. Since then, Logan has vowed to accept change as inevitable so it doesn't crush him, and that the one thing people consistently wants is a connection to real people. He settles in for the night, and Reese tells Finch that they need to meet.
Finch meets Reese on a street corner and explains that Bear didn't come. Finch suggests that Bear is under stress because of stress in the library and asks if Reese is having any issues. Reese claims he isn't aware of any and suggests that they move Logan now that his home is compromised. Finch agrees, but they're both surprised when Logan comes up and asks who Finch is. He knows about the bug in his credit card and how Finch hacked into his car's systems earlier, and figures that Finch is the brains and the bank. Logan also figures Reese for former special ops, and has confirmed that he and Finch don't exist. He's impressed that they have managed to maintain their anonymity and wonders why they do what they do. Finch points out that they've saved his life twice and tells him that they're taking him to a safehouse. Logan says that the city is too dangerous and he has a better place.
Ten hours later, Logan and Reese take a plane to St. Petersburg, Russia. Logan takes him to a bomb shelter made into a bar that he knows and offers Reese double-fried pierogies.
Finch offers Bear food but the dog just lies there and whines. When the food doesn't work, Finch starts to look up information on canine depression. Carter calls to tell Finch that he got a partial print off the decanter that matched with Jeremy.
Jeremy comes in and explains that Logan sent him a text. Logan tells Reese that when the board forced him out, they relinquished his non-complete clause and he's now looking for a new job. Finch calls to tell Reese that Jeremy's prints were on the decanter. Jeremy also filed Logan's recent medical insurance application. Reese accuses Jeremy of spiking the alcohol and the lawyer denies it. Finch figures that Jeremy wants Logan dead because he's his only client and can't afford to lose him. Jeremy jabs and Reese grabs his finger, twists him to the ground, and handcuffs him. Justin and a bunch of Logan's friends come in and Logan admits that he might have texted a few more friends. Disgusted, Reese walks out and tells Finch that Logan doesn't need their help.
In New York, Carter is going over the Davidson file when Fusco invites her out for coffee. She turns him down and explains that she's still trying to work out how two cops disappeared without a trace. Fusco thanks Carter for having his back and then starts to say he's made some mistakes. However, she warns him that she won't cover for his mistakes if they come back for him. Fusco says that he understands and Carter walks out.
As Reese heads for the airport, Finch tells him that Logan's number has come up again. He figures that either there's a new danger or Jeremy had an accomplice. Finch tracks Logan's credit card and confirms that it has been used to charge a room at a nearby hotel. When Reese goes to the hotel room, he gets no answer when he knocks and sees someone moving inside. Reese goes in, gun drawn, and finds Emily waiting for him with a gun. She says that "he" told her that someone else would come. Despite firing a warning shoot, Emily doesn't shoot Reese, and he disarms her. When he sees a bill on the table, he realizes that Logan put her up there because she's working with him.
Emily explains that Logan came by a week ago and moved her to St. Petersburg. He told her that someone was onto them. Finch realizes that Emily's social networking program will cannibalize Friendczar, and one man has the most to lose.
Logan meets Justin on a nearby bridge, and Justin has two hired thugs grab his friend and start beating him. They prepare to throw him off the bridge but Justin tells them to wait. When he wonders how Logan could let a woman come between them, Logan says that Emily reminds him of Justin before he decided to start bullying the competition. Justin points out that Logan left him to do make all the business decisions, and all of his friends want him dead. He tells his thugs to dump Logan and drives away in his car. Reese arrives, kneecaps one man, and then punches out the other.
2009 After monitoring the conversation between Nathan and Finch, the Machine runs a check on Anna Sanders. Later, Nathan parks outside Sanders' apartment and goes over a file showing that she filed a restraining order against her ex-boyfriend for assault. Anna comes out of her apartment and Nathan watches as the ex-boyfriend approaches her. He takes out a gun and braces himself.
Back at the library, Reese and Finch watch a newscast about Justin being brought up on murder charges. Friendczar stock is slumping after Logan his partnership with Emily and rival Ben Kamin.
Reese wonders why Logan didn't warn him about Justin when he had already warned Emily, and realizes that Logan wanted to see how he works. Logan smiles and then says that he figures that Reese does what he does out of altruism. He hands Reese a thank-you present and walks away.
Later, Finch takes Reese and Bear to the park. He explains that Bear needs a friend and lets him loose to play with another dog. Reese shows Finch Logan's present: an expensive watch like the one he wears. Finch smashes it on the ground, revealing a GPS inside, and worries that Logan is just curious enough to be dangerous. The Machine monitors the GPS tracker and traces it back to Logan who is then identified as a "Threat to Admin".
Points of Interest
According to Finch, Logan Pierce attended Caltech. Caltech is the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California, a private, highly-selective university which strongly emphasizes mathematics, science, engineering and technology. It has affiliations with NASA, The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and the U.S. Geological Survey, and hosts the nation's leading earthquake research program. Its campus is frequency used as a television location, and its rival is Finch's alma mater, MIT.
The Machine marks Pierce as as a potential threat and therefore someone to be monitored.
The scene where Finch learns about the 9/11 attacks mirrors the scene in "Pilot" where Reese finds out about the attacks. In both scenes,Finch and Reese see the reports and ask "Is that a plane?" Nathan Ingram and Jessica respond to them saying "It was two planes."
On three occasions, there has been one frame of code in the eye of the Machine, possibly relating to the virus or software that Greer and Stanton uploaded into the internet. (“Dead Reckoning” s2 e13)
The first blue screen (00:00:39) contains text from Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking scene in Shakespeare's Macbeth.
The second blue screen (00:20:51) contains text from the National Institutes of Health's bioterrorism page.
The third blue screen (00:40:16) contains text from the National Institutes of Health's Anthrax page.
Just want to say that your recaps are amazing and the Points of Interest are terrific observations.
posted by martin q blank at 8:24 AM on December 17, 2024 [4 favorites]
posted by martin q blank at 8:24 AM on December 17, 2024 [4 favorites]
Aw thank you. I owe a lot to the Person of Interest Wiki, which is an extremely helpful resource for these posts.
posted by miss-lapin at 9:20 AM on December 17, 2024 [2 favorites]
posted by miss-lapin at 9:20 AM on December 17, 2024 [2 favorites]
Fun to see Jimmi Simpson in this episode, long before his Westworld days.
posted by Artifice_Eternity at 12:13 PM on December 17, 2024 [1 favorite]
posted by Artifice_Eternity at 12:13 PM on December 17, 2024 [1 favorite]
Also, seconding martin q blank re the Points of Interest! I was noticing the Machine glitches that started after the virus release, but I'd forgotten that they contained Easter eggs.
posted by Artifice_Eternity at 1:41 PM on December 17, 2024 [1 favorite]
posted by Artifice_Eternity at 1:41 PM on December 17, 2024 [1 favorite]
I thought the bioterrorism and the anthrax glitches were particularly relevant (sorry about the pun) considering there were attempts to infect people with anthrax through the mail after 9/11. Five people were killed and 17 sickened as a result.
posted by miss-lapin at 1:49 PM on December 17, 2024 [1 favorite]
posted by miss-lapin at 1:49 PM on December 17, 2024 [1 favorite]
Logan Pierce is obviously a Zuckerberg analog, with maybe a bit of Musk mixed in; they made him suitably obnoxious. And his wealth is a bit of a counterpoint/counter-example to Finch's -- both of them are sufficiently wealthy that they can spend readily on convenience, but Finch's spending is quiet and conservative; Pierce's is flashy and loud.
The company names though, oof: "Friendczar", "Connectroid". For a show that likes to play things as at least plausibly real those names really stand out as fake.
Another little realism stumble: Pierce spelling out the letters in "LAMP stack".
I didn't find the St. Petersberg stuff particularly convincing; they're trying to show Pierce's international-playboy lifestyle but they're basically just shooting in a basement. The wiki has location info; all in and around New York. I'm with Pierce on the goodness of pierogies though.
The glitch codes: very subtle in this episode; I think I only noticed one of them in my watch. Gradually more frequent and more obvious in the following episodes. The wiki has dedicated subpages for them which are spoiler-safe: One Percent/Embedded codes.
posted by We had a deal, Kyle at 2:18 PM on December 17, 2024 [2 favorites]
The company names though, oof: "Friendczar", "Connectroid". For a show that likes to play things as at least plausibly real those names really stand out as fake.
Another little realism stumble: Pierce spelling out the letters in "LAMP stack".
I didn't find the St. Petersberg stuff particularly convincing; they're trying to show Pierce's international-playboy lifestyle but they're basically just shooting in a basement. The wiki has location info; all in and around New York. I'm with Pierce on the goodness of pierogies though.
The glitch codes: very subtle in this episode; I think I only noticed one of them in my watch. Gradually more frequent and more obvious in the following episodes. The wiki has dedicated subpages for them which are spoiler-safe: One Percent/Embedded codes.
posted by We had a deal, Kyle at 2:18 PM on December 17, 2024 [2 favorites]
I am first-watching along with you folks and these posts are great! You are pointing me at some things my attention-span isn’t catching in the flashbacks.
posted by janell at 3:46 PM on December 17, 2024 [2 favorites]
posted by janell at 3:46 PM on December 17, 2024 [2 favorites]
I don't see Zuckberg or Musk. Sure specificially FriendCzar can be seen as fb, but Zuckerberg is still married to it and Musk is even less of an analog considering how Logan behaves embracing a new idea with another creator. Basically neither of one of them is as likable or progressive as Logan.
Logan is merely an anti Finch. A billionaire tech genius who operates very differently from Harold, although still not entirely in a negative way. Basically we see Finch's abilities flipped on their head making him a difficult POI.
posted by miss-lapin at 5:46 PM on December 17, 2024 [1 favorite]
Logan is merely an anti Finch. A billionaire tech genius who operates very differently from Harold, although still not entirely in a negative way. Basically we see Finch's abilities flipped on their head making him a difficult POI.
posted by miss-lapin at 5:46 PM on December 17, 2024 [1 favorite]
I didn't find the St. Petersberg stuff particularly convincing; they're trying to show Pierce's international-playboy lifestyle but they're basically just shooting in a basement. The wiki has location info; all in and around New York. I'm with Pierce on the goodness of pierogies though.
I thought the St. Petersburg exteriors were decent, considering they were shot in Westchester. The hotel interior was fine. The bar/club interior was no great shakes, I agree.
The company names though, oof: "Friendczar", "Connectroid". For a show that likes to play things as at least plausibly real those names really stand out as fake.
Not great, but I imagine that even when this show was being filmed it was hard to come up with a plausible social network name that hadn't already been taken.
I don't see Zuckberg or Musk. Sure specificially FriendCzar can be seen as fb, but Zuckerberg is still married to it and Musk is even less of an analog considering how Logan behaves embracing a new idea with another creator. Basically neither of one of them is as likable or progressive as Logan.
No, but for much of the episode we're led to think that Logan is nothing but a rich a**hole. It's only towards the end that we discover he's not as bad as we thought.
posted by Artifice_Eternity at 9:16 PM on December 17, 2024
I thought the St. Petersburg exteriors were decent, considering they were shot in Westchester. The hotel interior was fine. The bar/club interior was no great shakes, I agree.
The company names though, oof: "Friendczar", "Connectroid". For a show that likes to play things as at least plausibly real those names really stand out as fake.
Not great, but I imagine that even when this show was being filmed it was hard to come up with a plausible social network name that hadn't already been taken.
I don't see Zuckberg or Musk. Sure specificially FriendCzar can be seen as fb, but Zuckerberg is still married to it and Musk is even less of an analog considering how Logan behaves embracing a new idea with another creator. Basically neither of one of them is as likable or progressive as Logan.
No, but for much of the episode we're led to think that Logan is nothing but a rich a**hole. It's only towards the end that we discover he's not as bad as we thought.
posted by Artifice_Eternity at 9:16 PM on December 17, 2024
Reese rams an air hose from the bar down Logan's throat saving his life
whoof, that scene was just viscerally disturbing to me. Reminding us that Reese has combat medic skills? But ugh ugh ugh did not like.
posted by We had a deal, Kyle at 12:03 PM on December 18, 2024 [2 favorites]
Reese rams an air hose from the bar down Logan's throat saving his life
whoof, that scene was just viscerally disturbing to me. Reminding us that Reese has combat medic skills? But ugh ugh ugh did not like.
posted by We had a deal, Kyle at 12:03 PM on December 18, 2024 [2 favorites]
Oh, and:
Nathan watches as the ex-boyfriend approaches her. He takes out a gun and braces himself.
I'd speculated previously in S1 that maybe Nathan Ingram is dead because the Machine killed him after identifying him as a threat to itself. But this flashback makes me think it's more likely because he got his silly self killed trying to do number-of-the-week vigilantism that he was unprepared and unskilled for. And that's probably why Finch sought out a partner with appropriate punching-and-shooting skills for that side of the work?
posted by We had a deal, Kyle at 12:12 PM on December 18, 2024 [1 favorite]
Nathan watches as the ex-boyfriend approaches her. He takes out a gun and braces himself.
I'd speculated previously in S1 that maybe Nathan Ingram is dead because the Machine killed him after identifying him as a threat to itself. But this flashback makes me think it's more likely because he got his silly self killed trying to do number-of-the-week vigilantism that he was unprepared and unskilled for. And that's probably why Finch sought out a partner with appropriate punching-and-shooting skills for that side of the work?
posted by We had a deal, Kyle at 12:12 PM on December 18, 2024 [1 favorite]
Without spoiling anything, I'll just say that there are more flashbacks about Nathan's fate to come!
posted by Artifice_Eternity at 4:22 PM on December 19, 2024
posted by Artifice_Eternity at 4:22 PM on December 19, 2024
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posted by porpoise at 6:21 PM on December 16, 2024 [1 favorite]