Slumber Party Massacre II (1987)
January 2, 2025 9:57 AM - Subscribe

[TRAILER] The sequel to the Rita Mae Brown-penned slasher is... a musical? Courtney Bates, the younger sister of Valerie from the first film, and her friends go to a condo for a weekend getaway, but Courtney can't get rid of the haunting feeling that a supernatural rockabilly driller killer is coming to murder them all.

Starring Crystal Bernard, Jennifer Rhodes, Kimberly McArthur, Patrick Lowe, Juliette Cummins, Heidi Kozak, Cindy Eilbacher, Atanas Ilitch, Joel Hoffman.

Written and directed by Deborah Brock. Produced by Roger Corman, Deborah Brock, Don Daniel for New Concorde. Edited by William Flicker. Music by Richard Cox.

Currently streaming in the US on multiple options. JustWatch listing.
posted by DirtyOldTown (4 comments total)
This is your brain on drugs.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 9:58 AM on January 2

A few of the songs:

Let's Buzz
Can't Stop Loving You
posted by DirtyOldTown at 11:24 AM on January 3

This is an odd one: A slasher movie where it's not clear whether anyone was actually murdered at all.

That drill guitar is something else though.
posted by neckro23 at 1:09 PM on January 3

Both this and the first Slumber Party Massacre are absolute delights and highlights of the slasher genre. They're neither big, nor clever, but critically they are *fun* in ways that many of their peers are not.

On paper they're exploitative and forgettable shlock, but the women on both the directing and writing side seemingly couldn't help themselves and elevated the material in interesting ways. The writing is better and the characters are more fully realised than is strictly necessary for the genre. This sequel then takes it further by just feeling like a cocaine-fueled fever dream. There's a manic gleeful energy to the whole thing that I cannot help but love.

I don't think this is the series to use as an entry point to the sub-genre but if you're someone who has powered through all 8 Friday the 13ths released in the 80s and many of the imitators, you'll appreciate the differences here.
posted by slimepuppy at 4:06 AM on January 7

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