Afternoons of Solitude (2024)
February 3, 2025 7:49 AM - Subscribe

Explores the spiritual pain of bullfighting, the tormented torero in a ring, one of the most excessive and graphic examples of the origin of Southern European civilization

I'm a huge fan of Albert Serra who I believe is a director in top form.

This is about bullfighting, yes, and very graphic depictions of it but it is foremost, a work of Art. Serra zooms in so closely on the bullfighter Roca Rey and on the bulls that all that is left within this vision is animal vs. animal. The film does not condemn nor does it praise bullfighting.

This is a major work from a richly maturing filmmaker, of a piece with his recent fiction features in its use of languid repetition and sensory saturation to pull the audience into something approaching a discomfiting dream state.

Wall Street Journal
Rarely have I seen a film that has combined the riveting and the repellent to such memorably strange effect.
posted by vacapinta (1 comment total)
I'll watch it.

I only seen his Pacifiction, which you also liked, and which was very special indeed.
posted by growabrain at 8:56 AM on February 3

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