Paradise: Sinatra
February 3, 2025 4:11 PM - Season 1, Episode 2 - Subscribe

Agent Xavier Collins is interrogated. Samantha Redmond (codenamed Sinatra) begins to reassure the community as she reflects on how she got to Paradise.

CW: a plotline in this episode involves the death of a young boy
posted by chavenet (7 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Samantha: sold her company for a jillion dollars, blabbed this in a bar, fell in love, lost her son, built an underground mountain town. Busy lady.

The community is told that Cal died of natural causes. Presley hangs out with his son.

Xavier is happy his boss is dead and says so on the lie detector!

"Something's not right with that woman. I feel it in my gut" "and I'm gonna take her down" How?" "Very fucking carefully." Insert requisite reference to going for the king and you'd best not miss here.

Another rich gajillionaire running everything, SIGH. Is she the VP or what to have an SS code name? "I assumed it was for the hats." I assumed it was because she wanted everything My Way.
posted by jenfullmoon at 5:35 PM on February 3 [2 favorites]

The hospital bed convo slammed me in the feels like a baseball bat.
posted by Lemkin at 5:43 PM on February 3 [1 favorite]

Just in case you didn’t remember this is the This is Us guy

This is the This is Us guy.

(That said, the banter in this show is truly a step above your normal mystery box show. I am enjoying it immensely.)
posted by thecaddy at 7:38 PM on February 3 [1 favorite]

As soon as the First Son said he was listening to the crummy music his dad used to listen to I went "oh no. oh no no, they don't dare" AND YET the dulcet tones of we built this city fired up just the same.

Cheez limit reached for the night, I think.

Still, I'm enjoying it, it's well put together, the banter is enjoyable, the mystery box is _eh_ whatever, and I kind of don't feel like the escalation from Xavier to Samantha was particularly justified yet? I mean, maybe it will be as we find out how his wife died, I suppose, but for the moment it feels a little early for it.
posted by Kyol at 7:51 PM on February 5 [1 favorite]

Still, I'm enjoying it, it's well put together, the banter is enjoyable, the mystery box is _eh_ whatever,

I'm not enjoying it quite yet - the banter is terrible. The story is not interesting, the flashbacks are pointless and have added nothing to the story. Like I'm sorry rich lady's kid died, but didn't a huge percentage of the world's population just also die?

I need an episode where all this is going somewhere. The lead character is so dull, and they picked the least interesting story in this world to tell. I'll give it one more episode.
posted by The_Vegetables at 9:51 AM on February 7 [1 favorite]

I recognized the album cover and saw "We Built This City" coming. Unfortunately.

Oh, and then, a cover. Just drawing it out.

Ok, so, they built the city on rock and roll. Defending against... Pop music? Pop music-playing giant peaches?
posted by Pronoiac at 7:21 PM on February 10

Like I'm sorry rich lady's kid died, but didn't a huge percentage of the world's population just also die?

Yes, but, see - she's rich. What's not to get here?

Kind of maybe leaping ahead a bit, I'm wondering if this show is being helped or hurt by weekly releases because a weekly release gives time for the mystery to simmer - or hurt because it gives time for the weird dumb shit to simmer. Little of column A, little of column B, I suppose?
posted by Kyol at 7:50 PM on February 10

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