The Messengers: Awakening
April 24, 2015 5:36 PM - Season 1, Episode 1 - Subscribe

A meteor crashes in New Mexico, creating strange effects on certain individuals throughout the region.

After a meteor-like object crashes in New Mexico, several people begin to exhibit translucent wings and develop special powers. A mysterious man emerges from the meteor crater.
posted by cfoxhi (4 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
The Messengers introduced us to a pretty large cast in the pilot episode, which worked alright in the pilot, but might be hard to maintain as the series goes on. With the cool angel wings it feels like a combination of Heroes and Supernatural. Hopefully it won't take itself quite so seriously as it continues.
posted by cfoxhi at 5:46 PM on April 24, 2015

Just got around to watching this the other night -- I'm intrigued enough to keep watching. Not super invested in any of the characters yet, but, curious to see where it's heading.
posted by oh yeah! at 7:46 PM on April 24, 2015

Decent first episode. Lots of cliches, but kind of fun. I was sold on the New Mexico element, but it looks like they only used the state for the Very Large Array and the Trinity site, which are actually just shy of 100 miles by road, or a bit more than 70 miles as the meteor-man flies.

On the topic of cliches, there were some very riffable moments.

Meteor Man cleans up quickly, and it's impressive that his hair is intact from the impact.

The Punch-Em-Up Kid: I am confused about everything. But I know how I feel about you. [kisses, leaves]
Oh, teenage boys.

Meteor Man: Who I am doesn't matter. What matters... Is what I know.
Sassy Scientist Lady: I'm calling the cops.
MM: It's about your son.
SSL: What do you know about my son?
MM: Look at your computer. Look at it.
SSL: Michael.
MM: That's from just last week.
Yeah, he's on Facebook. He posts new photos all the time. He also posts reviews of Pokemon characters on YouTube, but those aren't very good videos.

Creepy Televangelist Sr.:Try to see it as a blessing. For all of us.... Whether the baby's your son... Or your brother... He's still family.
So Joshua Silburn Jr. dies for a moment, comes back with Visions of the Devil that he has to share with the world, and you think after all that is when you should tell him you impregnated his wife?
posted by filthy light thief at 7:46 AM on May 6, 2015

And other people were bothered by the sign SSL saw when heading towards Houston from (somewhere in New Mexico?) that reads:

Houston 333
El Paso 460
San Antonio 755
posted by filthy light thief at 1:19 PM on May 6, 2015

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