NPR: Pop Culture Happy Hour Podcast: 'Inside Out' And Moms And Dads In Love
June 20, 2015 12:16 PM - Subscribe

On this week's show, we explore Pixar's new exploratory movie about a girl's brain, and we talk about why pop culture often struggles to give parents rich, satisfying romantic lives.

"Hot Dad sex" discussed, or something like that. Here's the associated post from Mefi's own Linda Holmes. Really good references to how sex between parents has been portrayed on television, with Roseanne and earlier TV series being given a mention.

And the review of 'Inside Out' makes me want to run out to see it in the cinema!
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome (3 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Quickly becoming a Kat Chow fan, so nice that she joins the team on this episode.
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome at 12:17 PM on June 20, 2015

Maybe it was just that the lead topic was a universal upper, but the whole thing just seemed breezier and more happy this week. The hour flew right by.
posted by Etrigan at 6:05 PM on June 20, 2015 [1 favorite]

I almost always love this show, and I appreciated this episode even moreso because it made me give "Mystery Show" a second chance. I really enjoyed the "Britney" episode they plugged.
posted by Zephyrial at 8:23 PM on June 24, 2015

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