Wonderfalls: Lying Pig
September 2, 2015 10:24 AM - Season 1, Episode 10 - Subscribe

When Eric's estranged wife returns to town, Jaye is instructed by the muses to "mend what was broken." Afraid of losing Eric, Jaye turns to her brother for help and tries to ignore the muses' orders.

A.V Club Review! Excellent rating, and the start of Wonderfall's brisk, serialized back-end. So much to like in this but I loved how they lampshades the icy WASP stereotypes with the Tylers and how they don't fit them. I like it when parents are still in love.

Everyone who has been in the Fullerverse has been on The Apartment Complex apparently (I saw half of one season, it's just okay)

posted by The Whelk (1 comment total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I liked this one!

Poor Mahandra has no idea what to do about Aaron.

With every episode I get increasingly amused about how there is apparently only one restaurant in town. Even the fancy dinner date happened at The Barrel!
posted by jessypie at 7:57 PM on September 3, 2015

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