Nashville: Three's A Crowd
December 3, 2015 9:15 AM - Season 4, Episode 9 - Subscribe

Deacon stops by the studio while Rayna works with Markus. Teens have issues. Gunnar gets writer's block. Scarlett takes the night off to see her boyfriend. Will is worried about working with a homophobe and Avery just wishes he could find some work.
posted by drezdn (8 comments total)
Two big things that bug me about this episode... The idea that Markus's album is coming out in a week. Unless if it's an MP3 only deal, there's no way it would get put together in time. It seems like the problem could be avoided by just having the characters say the album needed to be done in a week so marketing and production could be finished in time for a later release date.

Will's song is put on hold by a singer who actively works against gay rights. He won't even allow himself to be photographed with Will. Wouldn't someone notice Will's name in the song credits and point it out? Unless maybe the dude is sitting on the song in hopes of squashing Will's career?
posted by drezdn at 9:19 AM on December 3, 2015

Right now, as much as I hated him in the first season, Avery is getting the most interesting story.
posted by drezdn at 9:35 AM on December 3, 2015

I've totally come around on Avery. He was terrible in the first season, I agree, but he seems to be the most well-rounded and realistic character on the show at this point.
posted by something something at 11:15 AM on December 3, 2015

Agree about Avery. I still wish he'd wash his damn hair every once in a while, but his storyline is absolutely the most compelling.

Will's storyline continues to be interesting, but it's just too damn depressing for me. I did think that his exchange with Avery--what you want and what you'll do because you need the cash/opportunity--was excellent and realistic, but again: I want Will to be happy, dammit!

What would also be realistic and great would be if Maddie and Cole were shipped off to boarding schools full-time. Harumph.

I really don't care about the Markus storyline because he's such a jackass, but hot damn Connie Britton's hair was particularly fantastic last night.
posted by TwoStride at 11:38 AM on December 3, 2015 [1 favorite]

Yes to all previous comments. Aside from Avery, this entire episode elicited eye rolls. Also, can we be done with Maddie Conrad? She's been a whiny brat this whole season, and I'm really tired of watching it.
posted by bluloo at 2:19 PM on December 4, 2015 [1 favorite]

I also agree with all of the above and would like to add that the push-pull game that Scarlett and Doctor 'I do important work' Caleb are playing is getting a bit wearing. Get in synch please [I don't think they will - their relationship was doomed from the start].
posted by unliteral at 7:05 PM on December 6, 2015 [1 favorite]

The writers' shortcomings are really obvious in that Scarlett/DoctorGuy storyline. Why is he occasionally such an immense dick out of nowhere? Why didn't Scarlett just put her fucking phone in her purse in that previous episode where it kept ringing on the restaurant table? Their relationship would definitely be difficult and complicated in real life considering their different lifestyles, but the show is approaching it without any attempt at subtlety at all.

And yet I still watch.
posted by something something at 8:06 AM on December 7, 2015 [1 favorite]

And yet I still watch.

It's the Connie Britton effect.
posted by signal at 5:36 AM on December 11, 2015 [3 favorites]

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