Survivor: The Circle of Life
March 3, 2016 8:17 AM - Season 32, Episode 3 - Subscribe

In a new twist, two immunity idols can be combined to form a super idol; one contestant finds a creative way to retrieve an idol while another struggles to find one.
posted by The Gooch (3 comments total)
This was a pretty straight-forward episode, which isn't a bad thing, particularly after watching Jenny's last minute fail last week.

It was good that the Brains tribe went to Tribal, as it meant we got to see more of them beforehand, including a real change in emphasis on Debbie, who was presented earlier as a likely goat but is now being shown as fairly savvy. The post-Tribal discussion at camp will be interesting.

Hopefully there can be more spotlight on the Beauty tribe next week, as really only Tai's adventures and reactions are making an impression.

Watching the Brawn trio come together was also pretty good, particularly with Cydney showing some good all-round Survivor skills.
posted by jjderooy at 9:01 PM on March 3, 2016

After coming off as a bit of a clueless weirdo in the previous couple episodes, it was nice to see Debbie portrayed as more savvy than anyone initially gave her credit for in this episode.
posted by The Gooch at 9:46 AM on March 4, 2016

I keep wanting to love alecia because they are so horrible to her, but she keeps being so dumb!!!

Glad to see those cocky so and sos getting their comeuppance.

Interesting fact, Debbie, who can tell water is good or not just by looking at it, was actually indicted for falsifying water purity records. That's why she works at Red lobster now.
posted by smoke at 7:00 PM on March 5, 2016 [1 favorite]

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