Legends of Tomorrow: Left Behind
April 1, 2016 5:30 AM - Season 1, Episode 9 - Subscribe

Ray, Sara, and Kendra are stranded in the 1950s after Chronos' attack causes the Waverider to leave without them.

*Everybody goes to Nanda Parbat.
*Chronos is revealed to be Mick Rory, rescued by the Time Masters from wherever Snart marooned him.
posted by oh yeah! (15 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Funny how as soon as the show was ready to unmask Chronos we could easily see Rory's head was wearing the mask. Hasn't the Chronos suit been a sealed container until now?
posted by Servo5678 at 6:49 AM on April 1, 2016

Chronos is revealed to be Mick Rory
.... was anybody shocked?

I kinda liked this episode. It started off like filler, but developed some of the characters a little more... and while there was a lot of nonsense, the fight scene was one of the better ones (even if you could see the wires), they mentioned Vanishing Point, which for some reason Rory had to eat bugs to get into, Rip continues to look like a fool, there was an obviously telegraphed Bill Gates joke ... and the Time Team got their very own prisoner in a glass cage, which is clearly what has been lacking from his DC show.

But why do they have to go to 2147?
Surely it would be possible to track savage backwards into the 1800s or so, at least.
posted by Mezentian at 7:10 AM on April 1, 2016

I liked this episode, overall. I thought this was an interesting way to jump up right into a relationship between Ray & Kendra as well as being an interesting insight into their attitudes. And they managed to have a relationship conflict that didn't require either to hold the idiot ball. Did Kendra do a bad job communicating to Ray that she didn't want to completely end things between them and pretend it meant nothing? Yeah, but it wasn't a willful thing that seemed like any dipshit would realize was the wrong thing to do. Was Ray hurt without being unbelievable or a total asshole about it? Yes.

This extracted from the lower torso thing about losing your personality once you're in the wrong time too long things, ehhhhhhhhhhh. Dumb, unearned, and unnecessary. Ra's al Guhl being told Sara Lance's real name and knowing she's going to show up in fifty years? Which means that when she dies back in Arrow he would have to know she's not permadead? Bleh.

Ray's I can't believe I am back here amused me though.
posted by phearlez at 8:43 AM on April 1, 2016 [2 favorites]

The best episode by a wiiiiide margin. I hope they can keep this up.
posted by kittens for breakfast at 8:54 AM on April 1, 2016 [2 favorites]

agree with kittens. First episode in a long time I didnt fast forward through half of!
posted by Justinian at 3:41 PM on April 1, 2016

I'm surprised they'd make Talia that old. Mind you I guess with a Lazarus pit around, age is a bit relative.

I don't know why Sara would need to remind Ra's to have Nyssa ready to rescue her. You figure that would put a kink in the timeline more than just allowing what is supposed to happen happen, but it seems time travel in the DCTVU can only be handled by having people do and say things things they shouldn't.

I was surprised that Ra's hadn't figured out at least some of Sara's history. I mean if he knew about her bloodlust and was giving her the right potions and mediation exercises to calm it, I figure he would have at least suspected that she had been dunked in the pit.

Rip shouldn't be skilled enough to break into the League HQ without notice. Nope. I'm not buying that at all, even if he did his thesis on League history. Actually, given that build-up I thought they were going to have Rip talk his way out of the death sentence by stroking Ra's ego and telling him tales of how the League was still a force to be respected in the future, but I guess I should know better. These things always come down to having champions battle.

I usually don't care about spoilers, but I accidentally got the Chronos/Heat Wave reveal spoiled, so I can't really judge how well that plotline worked or how I would have reacted to it if I had gone in blind.

Kendra is still leaving me cold. I guess partly because I prefer a fiery Shayera but I think it's mostly due to the flat writing and acting. And I guess we're officially at the point that the barrista comment is the show's running joke and will have to be included in every episode. Ugh.
posted by sardonyx at 3:59 PM on April 1, 2016

I wasn't officially spoiled on the Chronos/Heat Wave reveal, just saw it floated as a fan theory on Tumblr after "Marooned", so, I would have been disappointed if they hadn't done it.

Loved Ray's "I can't believe I'm back in Nanda Parbat" runner - but what the hell was up with his hair/look in the beginning of the episode? Was that a wig? Was he ill? Did he anger the camera-operator? I've never seen him look so fugly as he did in that close-up before the jump-ship showed up.

I'm pretty meh on Kendra/Ray, but, whatever. I care way more about Snart/Rory, and it's back, so, yay!

I am totally blanking on whether I'm supposed to know who Talia was/is in the Arrowverse - I thought that was little Nyssa in Nanda Parbat at first (because I suck at math).

Rip shouldn't be skilled enough to break into the League HQ without notice. Nope. I'm not buying that at all, even if he did his thesis on League history.

Seriously, in what universe can Rip sucker-punch a League-trained assassin on guard duty? That was the biggest bit of nonsense in the whole episode.
posted by oh yeah! at 6:44 PM on April 1, 2016

I am totally blanking on whether I'm supposed to know who Talia was/is in the Arrowverse - I thought that was little Nyssa in Nanda Parbat at first (because I suck at math).

Talia is Nyssa's older sister, but they can't use Talia on the show (I assume you know, but for anyone who doesn't: because she's Batman's sometime love interest, was in that Bane movie, and his the mother of his child), so I think they basically named her Nyssa (based on a half-sister who does exist) and Nyssa has basically played the part that Talia would have, except more a love interest for Sara than Ollie.

I don't recall Talia being referenced in the show before.

Seriously, in what universe can Rip sucker-punch a League-trained assassin on guard duty? That was the biggest bit of nonsense in the whole episode.

Rip needed to do at least one bad ass thing this series. Let him have his moment!
posted by Mezentian at 9:17 PM on April 1, 2016

Essentially this is Talia's first appearance in the Arrowverse, so don't feel bad if you can't place here in this context.
posted by sardonyx at 9:50 PM on April 1, 2016

I assume you know, but for anyone who doesn't

Nope, didn't know (haven't read much Batman, and only saw the first of Nolan's Batman movies and that one just the once in the theater, so, I remember very little of the details), thanks for the background.
posted by oh yeah! at 7:51 AM on April 2, 2016

Oops, on re-watch (for the Snart scenes, what can I say?) I see it was Jefferson who punched out the League cave-entrance sentry. Still doesn't say much for League training.
posted by oh yeah! at 4:09 PM on April 3, 2016

and Nyssa has basically played the part that Talia would have, except more a love interest for Sara than Ollie.

Though the forced/arranged marriage thing is exactly the same as classic Batman & Talia
posted by phearlez at 9:03 AM on April 4, 2016

Wow, this really was the best episode so far. Ray and Kendra shack up as a couple for two years? Sara bails to go back to the League? Snart loses a hand and Rory's a Time Whatever? Damn. Impressive stuff. Good job, show, I wasn't terribly impressed with you before but now I am. Ray and Kendra's vastly differing opinions on going back to Team Waverider worked well, as was Ray's whole change in dynamic.
posted by jenfullmoon at 9:08 PM on April 8, 2016 [1 favorite]

I really wanted Kendra to say "I missed the Internet... and cell phones... and INTEGRATION."
posted by DirtyOldTown at 5:23 PM on April 12, 2016 [2 favorites]

Late to the party, but I thought this was the best episode yet. Not without flaws, but entertaining and without too much character stupidity on display.

How many ways do you suppose there are to get to the jump ship from the bridge of the Waverider? Must be at least two. Martin and Jax were on their way to the jump ship from the bridge, changed their minds and went back. Where's Chronos? He took Snart and went to the jump ship! You know... the other way!

When Kendra had her realization when Captain The Worst described the symptoms of Time Drift, I thought she was going to say "OMG, Ray, these feelings you're having... that's what happened to you!" I did not expect her to take on responsibility for his man-pain by diagnosing herself with time drift. But apparently no-one noticed the symptoms in him.

Later when Kendra tells him she really does love him, I said "Kendra needs more women friends."

When she said "You never noticed I couldn't... get my hawk on?" I really wish she had said "You haven't noticed that I can't... rock out with my hawk out?"

When they infiltrated The League dormitory, it seemed like the plan was "Let Captain Worst find Sara, keep a low profile, only take action if things go bad." But apparently the plan was "Let Capt. Worst find Sara, the rest of you... wander the halls and attract attention."

I love how Ra's was really not fazed by anything he saw. (What's the possessive form of his name, btw?)

Best team fight so far.

I officially have "Let's appeal to the humanity of the brainwashed person" fatigue. Maybe I just watched this too close to the SPOILERS FOR A DIFFERENT SHOW FROM THE FUTURE NEVER MIND

Our video stream had some really interesting compression artifacts during the picnic scene. The closeups of Ray looked as though he was sitting inside a cylinder of pebbled glass. The light was coming from behind him through tree branches that were blurred beyond the focal depth of the lens, but the compressor seemed to be giving priority to his face, and the movement of the background as the camera trucked slowly around had a weird lag that made it look like a weird membrane, or a force field. I kind of liked it.

Here are my suggestions:

-- Kendra saves the day by being the only one who knows how to pull a ristretto.
-- Chronos keeps coming after them, but every time it's a different one of the team members!
-- Ray and Snart become buds, but Mick is sad because he feels left out.
-- More polygons on the Waverider.
-- A different, non-lame name for the Waverider. Or, we learn that W.A.V.E.R.I.D.E.R. is some kind of really tortured and implausible acronym.
posted by under_petticoat_rule at 9:41 PM on April 24, 2016

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