The Night Of: A Dark Crate
July 24, 2016 8:58 PM - Season 1, Episode 3 - Subscribe

Awaiting his formal arraignment at Rikers Island, Naz realizes that his survival, or perhaps his demise, rests with a particular inmate, Freddy.
posted by komara (3 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
While I feel for Stone, I'm glad Naz has a presumably better lawyer. Sure she played the race card with her junior lawyer person but she seems to have the experience to work on a case like this. I have the feeling that Stone will contribute to the case in some way.

I'm not sure if they'll work up to revealing who did kill Andrea or if this will focus more on the criminal justice system.

The passage of time feels out of whack to me (like the timing for the press conference made it seem that less than 48 hours passed between the death and then).
posted by toomanycurls at 11:20 PM on July 24, 2016 [1 favorite]

I'm really enjoying this show. I like that it isn't a mystery but focuses more on the criminal justice system itself and on being a character study. That helps it stand out a lot from other procedurals. I would be very surprised if it ends with a reveal of who actually committed the murder.
posted by armadillo1224 at 12:17 PM on July 25, 2016

Just catching up now. Man, Michael K. Williams is mesmerizing.

So far, I really like the recurrent theme that Naz keeps being asked questions that he has no possible way to really understand the ramifications of, no way of know what he's really saying yes to, both in the interrogation scenes in the police station and now in the cell when Freddy makes him declare the acceptance of protection. But seriously: enough about Naz's non-criminal eyes, writers!
posted by TwoStride at 10:02 PM on July 29, 2016 [1 favorite]

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