Helix: O Brave New World Season 2, Episode 13
The aftermath of the Peter and Julia stand off is revealed, while Amy and Landry plan vengeance for their disfigured state, Kyle and Sarah plot to get off the island, even if means a deal with the devil and the truth of Caleb is revealed. [more inside]
Helix: The Ascendant Season 2, Episode 12
Peter and Anne get busy, Julia searches for Mother, Kyle and Sarah try to get off the island, someone gets a new name and Alan attempts to finish what he started.
Helix: Plan B Season 2, Episode 11
Amy gets her wish; Alan and the strike force return to the Abbey; Peter grows, with Anne's into his leadership role and Soren makes himself useful, or at least that's what Doreen thinks.
Helix: Mother Season 2, Episode 10
Everyone's looking for the Mother tree, except Peter, who's wondering around in the basement of the Abbey with Anne. Lots of crazy shit ensues. [more inside]
Helix: Ectogenesis Season 2, Episode 9
An old friend returns as Alan slogs around the island with Kyle and the CDC Strikeforce. Meanwhile Peter and Anne grow closer as Sergio and Julia arrive on the island, looking for Michael. Sarah and Amy come to agreement about making the latter an immortal and the plan starts RIGHT NOW. Also, we get a peek at what mycotic married life is like. [more inside]
Helix: Vade in Pace Season 2, Episode 8
Amy makes a play for control, the CDC team gets a lead on a cure just a strike force prepares to pull them off the island and Sarah finally finds her missing fetus.
Helix: Cross Pollination Season 2, Episode 7
Alan deals with the events of last night, Peter gets a roommate, Anne grows a little bit, Sarah becomes a babysitter, Amy gets a promotion and Michael decides to start over.
Helix: M. Domestica Season 2, Episode 6
Ilaria's crazy plan is revealed, as is Julia's non-role it and the cutest little immortal ever! Meanwhile, back on cult island, Brother Michael spins more lies, Alan tries to help himself out of handcuffs, Bro Landery makes a bid for his future, Kyle and Sarah do science things and Amy proves she's the sanest person in the land of crazy, besides being the a manipulative liar inciting mutiny.
Helix: Oubliette Season 2, Episode 5
Kyle and Peter leave the wounded Sarah in the care of Grandma Agnes. Brother Michael has a staff meeting to motivate Ann and Amy. Brother Landry and Amy experience ups and downs in their relationships. Alan and Peter try work on their sibling issues. Caleb and Julia have a nice chat around the campfire as he sews up her wounds.
Everyone asks lots of questions and the matter of legacies keeps coming up.
Helix: Densho Season 2, Episode 4
The CDC team continues to not get off the island of Brother Michael and his scary disciples, insisting that they have to find the source of the virus that turns people stabby. Alan, the team's former leader, doesn't care much as he has own reasons for pretending to be a member of the cult.
In the future, Hatake tries to bond with his daughter Julia, but she'd prefer her mummy. This continues to anger her dead brother.
Sadly, Doreen from season 1 remains dead.
Helix: Scion Season 2, Episode 3
As the CDC team continues to investigate the mystery viral breakout on the island of the culty people, the creepiness factor gets upped with fraternizations, confrontations, beautifully large ornate windows, drugs, a very unBrady Bunch like gang of children in the woods and a family reunion with the world's greatest dad.
Helix: Reunion Season 2, Episode 2
In the future, Julia and Caleb dig up Alan’s grave and make a discovery that only adds more questions about the plague. Evidently Alan left a clue in the mismatched bones in his grave, instead of just a note, because why make anything simple when trying to deadly contagion ?
In the present day on the island, a plague ridden child appears in the "safe haven" and then is mysteriously healed, prompting much WTFing from the team. Meanwhile, Sarah and Alan have a (see episode name) and we discover the horrifying truth of what happened to their baby. Seriously, any women who saw this episode are probably having nightmares.
Helix: San Jose Season 2, Episode 1
There's a pandemic on an island with virtually no communications. Let's go there right now! And wander around! Oh, there's a cult there, that's going to go well.