9 posts tagged with AktaManniskor and RealHumans.
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Real Humans: "Make Haste" Season 1, Ep 8
Thanks to Inger’s efforts Leo is kept alive and the both of them get a chance to talk. The room is decidedly bug-proof but Inger records their conversation with her phone. Leo reveals that Mimi is something special and pleads Inger to keep her save and to convey some information from him. On her way home the phone gets stolen. [more inside]
Real Humans: "Blind Love" Season 1, Ep 7
The episode starts with an attempted rape of Anita for which Tobbe takes revenge with a baseball bat. Inger meets Leo for the first time, realizes that he and Anita share the same tattoo and suspects there must be more to the story. [more inside]
Real Humans: "Sly Leo" Season 1, Ep 6
Jonas gets badly burned during the bombing. Leo collapses in front of the Engman's house and is taken to the hospital before finding Mimi. Now in police custody, scary childhood memories haunt the almost-dead Leo. Bea gifts Ove a cute robot-keychain for his birthday before he discovers that she is a hubot. Now on the run, she decides to hide out at Roger's place. [more inside]
Real Humans: "Power at Heart" Season 1, Ep 5
The media picks up on Inger's legal case. Therese enjoys the new Rick. Silas has his way with Odi and Leo, who can escape at the last minute. Eva is scared by the group of free hubots, that experience some internal power struggles themselves. Matilda discovers that there is more to Anita. Roger celebrates 15 years at the same company and steals explosives. And then it goes BOOM!
Real Humans: Semi-Human Rights Season 1, Ep 4
In which: We discover why it's not a good idea to drink and let your hubot drive; that however cool modern society might be with diverse couplings, there are always new prejudices (and new blows for equality to be struck); and that it might not always be a good idea to get someone to reprogram your partner to be more responsive in bed if you don't have any control over the nature of the response. [more inside]
Real Humans: "The Lord Shall Be Our Companion" Season 1, Ep 3
Where Vera discovers Odi, the Engmans decide to keep Anita and treat her like a member of the family, the group of free hubots moves in with the local priestess and her wife, and Roger meets fellow anti hubot activists Bea and Malte at a"Real Humans Party" meeting.
Real Humans: "Break In, Break Loose" Season 1, Ep 1
In a world full of humanoid robots (hubots) some people struggle to accept the new technology, while a group of free willed hubots wants their freedom from human ownership. When Odi, the hubot of grandpa Engman, becomes defective, the family gets a seemingly great deal on a new model - two for the price of one! The three kids of the Engman family quickly take a liking to their first hubot, Anita, while the parents argue and decide on a two week trial period.
Real Humans: "Trust No One" Season 1, Ep 2
The group of free hubots splits up after the murder of an elderly couple, which is now investigated by the hubot crime task force E-HUB. During the attack one of the group, Mimi, was kidnapped. Leo ventures into the underground sex club Hubot Heaven in search of Mimi, where it is revealed that he himself is a human-hubot hybrid. Meanwhile the Engman's neighbors split up after husband Roger grew increasingly resentful of hubots and hit his wife. [more inside]
Real Humans - Äkta människor
Anyone interested in discussing the show? I'm currently a few episodes into the first season (first watch). The show floats around the inet in Swedish, French and German with English subs. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2180271/