19 posts tagged with DISCO.
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Movie: Saturday Night Fever
That other monster hit movie from 1977.
Young Tony Manero (John Travolta), from a working class Brooklyn neighborhood, spends his days working a dead end job in hardware store, living for Saturday night when he can hang with the boys and display his gift for dancing at the local discotheque. [more inside]
Movie: The Bee Gees: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart
An exploration of the history of the Bee Gees, featuring revealing interviews with oldest brother Barry Gibb, and archival interviews with the late twin brothers Robin and Maurice. - IMDB. Trailer at HBO, YouTube, and Amazon. [more inside]
Podcast: You're Wrong About: Disco Demolition Night
Mike tells Sarah how a silly sports promotion galvanized a reactionary movement. Digressions include "Charlotte's Web," Jane Fonda and German-language musicals. Songs are dissected; the honor of David Bowie and late-night salad bars are defended. [more inside]
Star Trek: Discovery: Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2 Season 2, Ep 14
The conclusion to last week's cliffhanger. [more inside]
Star Trek: Discovery: Such Sweet Sorrow Season 2, Ep 13
When the USS Discovery's crucial mission does not go according to plan, Burnham realizes what must ultimately be done. The crew prepares for the battle of a lifetime as Leland's Control ships get closer. [more inside]
Star Trek: Discovery: The Red Angel Season 2, Ep 10
Further information about both the Red Angel and Burnham's past come to light. [more inside]
Star Trek: Discovery: If Memory Serves Season 2, Ep 8
Burnham takes Spock to Talos IV. [more inside]
Star Trek: Discovery: Light and Shadows Season 2, Ep 7
Burnham returns to Vulcan in search of Spock, while Discovery continues to investigate the events near Kaminar. [more inside]
Star Trek: Discovery: The Sounds of Thunder Season 2, Ep 6
A signal appears above Kaminar. [more inside]
Star Trek: Discovery: Saints of Imperfection Season 2, Ep 5
Stamets has a plan to save Tilly. [more inside]
Star Trek: Discovery: Point of Light Season 2, Ep 3
Some old friends drop by for a visit. [more inside]
Star Trek: Discovery: New Eden Season 2, Ep 2
The USS Discovery chases a lead. [more inside]
Star Trek: Short Treks: The Escape Artist Season 1, Ep 4
Harcourt Fenton Mudd tries to talk his way out of a tight spot with an angry Tellarite. [more inside]
Star Trek: Short Treks: The Brightest Star Season 1, Ep 3
Saru has an origin story. [more inside]
Star Trek: Short Treks: Runaway Season 1, Ep 1
Sylvia Tilly attempts to have some coffee in peace.
She fails. [more inside]
Star Trek: Discovery: What's Past Is Prologue Season 1, Ep 13
Lorca plans to move forward with a coup against the Emperor, propelling Burnham to make a quick decision to save not only herself, but the U.S.S. Discovery. [more inside]
Incoming to FanFare Trekkers from Starfleet
Fellow Trekfan Mefites: Exeter and STC fanthreads? [more inside]
Podcast: Undone: Disco Demolition Night
One summer night in 1979, 50,000 people got together at a baseball stadium to kill disco. And it worked. Kind of. In this first episode of "Undone" we meet someone who worked as an usher at Disco Demolition Night and played a vital role in keeping the spirit of disco alive today. [more inside]
The Get Down: Where There is Ruin, There is Hope for a Treasure Season 1, Ep 1
Review: ‘The Get Down’ Is ‘West Side Story’ With Rappers and Disco Queens
“The Get Down,” Mr. Luhrmann’s 12-episode series for Netflix (six episodes will be available on Friday 8/12), is being promoted as “a comprehensive look at the art form’s true origins” and an authentic evocation of late-’70s New York, that caldron of burning buildings, bankruptcy, cocaine and revolutionary forms of popular music. [more inside]