17 posts tagged with Mbmbam and 20serpentine.
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Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 381: Face 2 Face: Griffin's Big, Brave Stunt
We just got back from our tour of America's beautiful Midwest! Here's our show from the Orpheum Theater in Minneapolis, which features our worst on-stage injury to date. It was regrettable, and also hilarious.
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 372: Face 2 Face: Sock-Based Target Crimes
Here's another one of our live shows from our recent tour of America's most Northeastern reaches -- this time from the Wilbur in Boston! This was our first of two shows that night, which is good, because this is before things went way, way off the rails.
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 371: Face 2 Face: A Lot About Horniness
Once again we are coming to you pre-recorded LIVE from beautiful Washington D.C.! We sure hope you enjoy! Suggested Talking Points: Train Murder Preparedness, What Kind Of Family You Got, King of Pranks, Toilet Mysteries, Emojis Can Die, Navitius, Buying Welcome Mats, How Money Works, Doctor Toboggan, Improv Nowhere, Ruined Cred
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 368: The Sun Shines On Our Dark Planet!
Justin, Travis and Dane are back again to talk about the few blissful minutes of sun our world received on this blessed rotation. Justin also pitches a very, VERY whimsical story about food that isn't rocks!!! Can you imagine!?!? Suggested talking points: The Sun Day, Time Chunks, Personal Pan Immunity, Pizza Daniel, News Spoilers, Pancake Trap, Doober Dads, Kevin James' Height Correction, Principal Theft
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 363: Breathing in Space
We've got that San Diego Comic-Con fever! And ... it's a real, real bad case. We've got the Spider-Man Shakes, and Batman Sweats, and have to cancel the rest of our public appearances, just to try and keep this thing contained. Suggested talking points: Cosplay Corner, Panini Poppin' Daddies, Adult Happy Meals, A Hilarious Bit About Starbucks Prices, Buzz & Lance, Gym Etiquette, Tim's Bad Donut
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 362: Travis McElroy Presents: Waffle Friend
Okay, so, you're going to hit a point in this episode where we start talking about who would win in a very real war between horse-mounted humans and centaurs. And we want you to know, right now, before getting started, that this will be the remainder of the episode. Just managing expectations, here. Suggested talking points: Preparing for Buffett Battle, Driving Test Cop Friends, Body Exploration, Sisterhood of the Stolen Pants, Garofal-O's, Humans & Horses vs. Centaurs
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 358: Detective Jigsaw, My Very Best Friend
Sorry it's come down to this, dear listeners, but we've been cops the whole time, and we've got to take you down for all the crimes you did while enjoying our podcast. We'd still love to have you over for the big cookout next weekend, though! Suggested talking points: Underpants Watch, Sneakin' Out the Bottles, Friend Arrest, Sea Pork, Quaid Confusion, Infrared Bears, An All New Original Color
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 357: A Wonderful Hug From Goro
Today's episode features a drop-in from our critically acclaimed Twin Peaks fancast-within-a-podcast, The Bookhouse Boys. We've got answers for all the questions this twisted series throws at you -- questions like: What's with all this coffee? Hey! What's even going on here?! Whoa!?! Suggested talking points: Bookhouse Boys, Dream Interpretation, Arcade Desires, Tender Kombat, Daniel Dunkin, Real Emo, Hardee's Softcows
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 356: Face 2 Face: My Donut-Loving Boys
Here's our live show from The Paramount in Austin, TX! We had a great time, even though everyone sitting the balcony was SO NASTY. You all would not BELIEVE what a NASTY balcony it was.
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 355: The Playbloom
This episode is all about the stuff that gets folks' noodle going. It's one of our most thematically consistent episodes yet, which is a shame. A quarter of it was spent talking about a movie that came out in 2015. Cool! Suggested talking points: KNKOs, Five Very Large Posters of Orlando Bloom, Year Ball, Milk Tricks, Infinite Banana, Food Recs, Stuck to the Chair
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 351: Omnidirectional Scampi Blast
This week, we're celebrating a momentous birthday by full-force launching a Razor Scooter into the hungry mouth of a volcano. We're also talking about how good shrimp scampi is for nearly 55 uninterrupted minutes. Suggested talking points: 30 Over 30, Morning Meditation, Shakesports, Plant Murder, Scampi Friends, Nacho Fries, Coffee Fidelity, Fast Food Pirates
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 350: The 2018 Olympic Laser Tag Team
We've got over 350 hours of podcasts under our belt, which, according to Malcolm Gladwell, means we've fully mastered the craft. We're turning our attention to loftier endeavors, now: Namely, training up the greatest laser tag outfit this world has ever known. Suggested talking points: Before Transformers and the Furious, Hidden Gold, Laser CQC, Downton Bluejeans, Video Game Talent Show, Riding a Bike, The True Island Time King
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 348: Stardust and Dino Piss
Happy second week of the MaxFunDrive! Everyone has been absolutely killing it! Let's finish strong with an episode that, no shit, starts with an in-depth, 15-minute-long discussion about Craig T. Nelson's body of work. Suggested talking points: Craig Twitter Nelson, The Life-Changing Magic of Not Owning Tables, Beltblaster, Willem Dafoe in the Upside-Down, Cell-Free Dads, Vampire Times, ;), All Drinks are Water
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 347: Donut Miss This Episode!
Happy MaxFunDrive, everybody! We recorded this one in a hotel room rigth before our recent live show in Portland. The audio isn't as tight as we like it -- Travis in particular sounds like he's recording from inside of a well -- but we hope you enjoy it, nevertheless! Suggested talking points: Together Again, BSKT, Kicking Some Butt, Numa Numa Revelations, Austin Powers: Sins of the Father, Kid Star School, Pancakes DIY, Breaking DDR Boys News
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 341: An Erotic Balloon Puzzle
How about that Super Bowl, and all the things that happened during it? You know a lot of people are calling it the Super Bowl, but -- heh -- we're not sure it was that "Super." Anyways, those are the jokes we're doing this week, hope you like 'em. Suggested talking points: A Super Bowl Christmas, Michael Jorban, Figginsworth, The Mole: Sexual Bonanza Edition, Two Horses, Lemon Flash Mob, The Final Piece is Teamwork
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 337: Seaburglars of the Archipelago
Last week, we kinda threw our hat over the fence vis-a-vis zagging on y'all. This week, we're trying to adhere to this new philosophy with an episode chock-full of surprises and twists and turns and ... uh ... shocking ... revelations? Suggested talking points: Zag Update, Fushigi Update, Robe Rules, Gary Spangler, Volvo Comms, Good Mugshots, 50 First Fake Dates
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 336: Twenty-Something-Teen
We spend half this episode coming up with a name for the new year, which is as important an endeavor as we can undergo. Yes, we boned it last year. This time, we're FEELING IT SO HARD. Suggested talking points: THE NAMING OF THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 2017, Sriririririracha, The Fushigi Art Patronage