9 posts tagged with Q and picard.
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Star Trek: Picard: Farewell Season 2, Ep 10
As Adam Soong's plan comes to fruition, Jean-Luc and his allies face the future, the past, and old friends long gone. (Season finale.) [more inside]
Star Trek: Picard: Mercy Season 2, Ep 8
Jean-Luc anxiously watches the launch countdown, Guinan and Q have a showdown, Agnes of Borg goes downtown for a beatdown, and Ricardo chows down. [more inside]
Star Trek: Picard: Fly Me to the Moon Season 2, Ep 5
♫ All these worlds are yours / Except the second Jovian moon / Don't attempt a landing there / And don't trust Adam Soong ♫ [more inside]
Star Trek: Picard: Watcher Season 2, Ep 4
After Picard finds a friend lost in the past, he's shocked to encounter another familiar face on an Earth assignment. [more inside]
Star Trek: Picard: Penance Season 2, Ep 2
Are there any Borg in the audience tonight? Get 'em up against the wall! [more inside]
Star Trek: Picard: The Star Gazer Season 2, Ep 1
Captain Rios, in phase two of his Starfleet career, encounters a powerful and mysterious emissary—who will only talk to Jean-Luc Picard. [more inside]
Star Trek: The Next Generation: All Good Things... Rewatch Season 7, Ep 25
"Time is come round, / And where I did begin, there shall I end; / My life is run his compass." - Julius Caesar, Act V, Scene III [Series finale] [more inside]
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Tapestry Rewatch Season 6, Ep 15
Picard is bumped all the way back down to Cadet following a disastrous away mission. Harsh, yes, but what do you expect from Q? [more inside]
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Encounter at Farpoint Rewatch Season 1, Ep 1
Captain Jean-Luc Picard takes command of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D on her first mission. Consequently—as so often happens with Starfleet captains—he meets a god. (Series premiere) [more inside]