15 posts tagged with Star and romulans.
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Chase Rewatch Season 6, Ep 20
Picard tries to finish his old archaeology teacher's monumental last mission: solving a puzzle that leads Humans, Romulans, Klingons and Cardassians to the secret of life in this galaxy, revealing the origin of humanoid life. [more inside]
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Face of the Enemy Rewatch Season 6, Ep 14
Troi is captured and forced to masquerade as a Romulan intelligence officer in a plot to aid the defection of several high-ranking Romulan officials. [more inside]
Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Next Phase Rewatch Season 5, Ep 24
Geordi La Forge and Ensign Ro are believed dead after a transporter malfunction. However, they soon discover that their state may not actually be "death". [more inside]
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Unification II Rewatch Season 5, Ep 8
On Romulus, Picard and Data meet with Spock, who claims to be trying to reunite the Romulans and Vulcans. While Spock works to achieve his goal, powers within the Romulan government seek to pervert his mission into an invasion of the Federation. [more inside]
Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Mind's Eye Rewatch Season 4, Ep 24
En route to Risa, Geordi La Forge is taken prisoner on a Romulan ship and mentally conditioned to assassinate a Klingon governor in order to implicate the Federation as enemies of the Empire and unbalance relations between the two governments. [more inside]
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Tin Man Rewatch Season 3, Ep 20
The Enterprise races against Romulans to make first contact with a powerful entity code-named "Tin Man." [more inside]
Star Trek: The Animated Series: The Practical Joker Rewatch Season 2, Ep 3
After passing through a strange space energy cloud, the Enterprise's computer gains an artificial intelligence that is relentlessly bent on making practical jokes on the crew. [more inside]
Star Trek: Enterprise: United Rewatch Season 4, Ep 13
While Archer learns ice-miner diplomacy, Tucker and Reed fly the unfriendly skies. [more inside]
Star Trek: Enterprise: Babel One Rewatch Season 4, Ep 12
[Part 1 of 3] The Enterprise is ferrying a bunch of Tellarites across Andorian space when a Tellarite ship attacks Shran's ship. Can't we all just get along? Well, maybe not quite yet... [more inside]
Star Trek: Enterprise: Kir'Shara Rewatch Season 4, Ep 9
Archer and T'Pol fight their way to Vulcan High Command to deliver the mother of all PowerPoint presentations. [more inside]
Star Trek: Picard: Remembrance Season 1, Ep 1
[Series Premiere] At his vineyard, retired Starfleet Admiral Jean-Luc Picard and a mysterious young woman have an encounter, and she makes a fair point. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Message in a Bottle Rewatch Season 4, Ep 14
On a high-stakes solo mission to the Alpha Quadrant, the Doctor runs afoul of Romulan shipjackers and his very own next generation. Luckily, he brought the right…equipment. [more inside]
Star Trek: Voyager: Eye of the Needle Rewatch Season 1, Ep 7
Voyager discovers a wormhole that may lead to the Alpha Quadrant; could this be the way home? [checks Memory Alpha; it's the seventh episode of the first season of seven] Hmm... [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: In the Pale Moonlight Rewatch Season 6, Ep 19
When you dance with the devil in the pale moonlight... the devil always leads. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Visionary Rewatch Season 3, Ep 17
In which O’Brien meets O’Brien, and all hell breaks loose.... [more inside]