18 posts tagged with albertrbroccoli and jamesbond.
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Movie: GoldenEye
James Bond teams up with the lone survivor of a destroyed Russian research center to stop the hijacking of a nuclear space weapon by a fellow agent believed to be dead. [more inside]
Movie: Licence to Kill
James Bond goes rogue and sets off to unleash vengeance on a drug lord who tortured his best friend, a C.I.A. agent, and left him for dead and murdered his bride after he helped capture him. [more inside]
Movie: The Living Daylights
James Bond is living on the edge to stop an evil arms dealer from starting another world war. Bond crosses all seven continents in order to stop the evil Whitaker and General Koskov. [more inside]
Movie: A View to a Kill
An investigation of a horse-racing scam leads 007 to a mad industrialist who plans to create a worldwide microchip monopoly by destroying California's Silicon Valley. [more inside]
Movie: Octopussy
A fake Fabergé egg and a fellow agent's death lead James Bond to uncover an international jewel-smuggling operation, headed by the mysterious Octopussy, being used to disguise a nuclear attack on N.A.T.O. forces. [more inside]
Movie: For Your Eyes Only
Agent 007 is assigned to hunt for a lost British encryption device and prevent it from falling into enemy hands. [more inside]
Movie: Moonraker
James Bond investigates the mid-air theft of a space shuttle and discovers a plot to commit global genocide. [more inside]
Movie: The Spy Who Loved Me
James Bond investigates the hijacking of British and Russian submarines carrying nuclear warheads with the help of a KGB agent whose lover he killed. [more inside]
Movie: The Man with the Golden Gun
Bond is led to believe that he is targeted by the world's most expensive assassin and must hunt him down to stop him. [more inside]
Movie: Live and Let Die
007 is sent to stop a diabolically brilliant heroin magnate armed with a complex organization and a reliable psychic tarot card reader. [more inside]
Movie: Diamonds Are Forever
A diamond smuggling investigation leads James Bond to Las Vegas, where he uncovers an extortion plot headed by his nemesis, Ernst Stavro Blofeld. [more inside]
Movie: On Her Majesty's Secret Service
James Bond woos a mob boss's daughter and goes undercover to uncover the true reason for Blofeld's allergy research in the Swiss Alps that involves beautiful women from around the world. [more inside]
Movie: You Only Live Twice
Agent 007 and the Japanese secret service ninja force must find and stop the true culprit of a series of spacejackings before nuclear war is provoked. [more inside]
Movie: Thunderball
James Bond heads to The Bahamas to recover two nuclear warheads stolen by SPECTRE agent Emilio Largo in an international extortion scheme. [more inside]
Movie: From Russia with Love
James Bond willingly falls into an assassination ploy involving a naive Russian beauty in order to retrieve a Soviet encryption device before it can be stolen by SPECTRE. [more inside]
Movie: Dr. No
A suave and skilled government agent named James Bond looks for answers about a missing colleague and the disruption of the American space program. [more inside]
James Bond (Eon Series): Dr. No
Next week, we're going to begin posting the official Eon James Bond movies with 1962's Dr. No! [more inside]
24 x 007
Thoughts on weekly posts of the 23 official EON James Bond films, leading up to the theatrical release of Spectre (Bond 24) on November 6th? [more inside]