2 posts tagged with best-of.
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SyFyWire "Quick Hack Guide" to Babylon 5
Hi guys, I never got rolling on a watch BUT I guess Prime has added the show, maybe that prompted your watchthrough here, I dunno. Since I found the Duffers' Guides I did for VOY and DS9 helpful, I thought you folks might be interested in this "Quick Hack Guide" (terrible name imho) from SyFyWire. I'll repeat this exact post in FanFare Talk (reposted from current active episode thread here )
Voyager Duffer's Guide
I dropped into the Voyager rewatch thread to ask about a 'best of' guide to Voyager after a few stalled rewatches ran aground on the clumsy first season scripts.
The doughty CheesesofBrazil and the dauntless mordax with a drop-in by Halloween Jack reviewed a list I found at the Hollywood Reporter, which had significant overlap with a list found at WIRED. The findings were that the lists were substantially similar.
I have pulled all the episodes on both lists and added the individually suggested episodes, ordered them by season and episode number, and provided links to the episodes at Amazon Video. Hopefully, this will be of use to others. [more inside]