94 posts tagged with horror by kittens for breakfast.
Displaying 51 through 94 of 94.
American Horror Story: Apocalypse Then Season 8, Ep 10
The witches launch a desperate gambit to save the world.
American Horror Story: Fire and Reign Season 8, Ep 9
Michael launches an attack on the witches.
American Horror Story: Sojourn Season 8, Ep 8
In the wake of a crushing defeat, Michael finds a new hope.
American Horror Story: Traitor Season 8, Ep 7
Cordelia enlists a secret weapon in an attempt to divine the warlocks' plan, and Zoe has a startling revelation.
American Horror Story: Return to Murder House Season 8, Ep 6
Madison and Behold move into Murder House to learn the truth about Michael Langdon.
American Horror Story: Boy Wonder Season 8, Ep 5
Cordelia agrees to a bargain with the warlocks.
Movie: Malevolent
A brother-sister team who fake paranormal encounters for cash get more than they bargained for when a job at a haunted estate turns very, very real. (iMDB)
American Horror Story: Could It Be Satan? Season 8, Ep 4
In the time before the apocalypse, the coven faces a challenge.
American Horror Story: Forbidden Fruit Season 8, Ep 3
Ms. Venable receives a delivery.
American Horror Story: The Morning After Season 8, Ep 2
The mysterious Michael Langdon begins to interview the survivors, and an old friend returns.
Tokyo Vampire Hotel: Episode 1 Season 1, Ep 1
In the year 2021, a war between ancient vampire families -- one of them the descendants of Dracula -- takes place on the streets of Tokyo just as the world teeters on the brink of apocalypse. Anyway, I think that's what's going on?! On Amazon Prime.
Ash vs Evil Dead: The Mettle of Man Season 3, Ep 10
As the power of the Evil Dead sweeps the globe, Ash prepares to meet his destiny. Series finale.
Ash vs Evil Dead: Judgment Day Season 3, Ep 9
Ash leaves the boomstick at home with Brandy and launches himself into a final confrontation with Ruby and the creature who's stolen Kelly's body.
Ash vs Evil Dead: Rifting Apart Season 3, Ep 8
With Kelly and Brandy trapped on the wrong side of death itself, Ash and Pablo come up with the worst plan possible to get them back. Well...it's more like the idea of a plan.
Ash vs Evil Dead: Twist and Shout Season 3, Ep 7
Ruby's plan reaches its culmination, Pablo receives a message from beyond, and Ash crashes Brandy's high school dance (twice).
Ash vs Evil Dead: Tales from the Rift Season 3, Ep 6
Kelly hunts down Ruby, the Knights of Sumeria continue to be no help at all, and Brandy cooks breakfast.
Ash vs Evil Dead: Baby Proof Season 3, Ep 5
Ash fights a baby. Kelly and Brandy battle a demon-possessed Pablo. Pablo must make a crucial choice, but he gets a little distracted.
Ash vs Evil Dead: Unfinished Business Season 3, Ep 4
The Knights of Sumeria are so useless. Oh my God.
Ash vs Evil Dead: Apparently Dead Season 3, Ep 3
Ruby uses her maternal instincts (and some creepy blood-and-bug sorcery) to drive a deeper wedge between Ash and Brandy.
Ash vs Evil Dead: Booth Three Season 3, Ep 2
The Evil Dead have it in for Ash's "seed," but is Brandy the only little Williams out there? Ash investigates the possibility of further progeny, and finds himself in a sticky situation.
Ash vs Evil Dead: Family Season 3, Ep 1
After scouring the earth of the Deadites last season, Ash opens a hardware store-slash-sex toy emporium in his old hometown and settles in to enjoy the good life. The Evil Dead are back before the end of the cold open. I mean, look, it's in the title. [more inside]
The Exorcist: Janus Season 2, Ep 1
A new storyline begins. In Montana, Father Marcus continues training Father Tomas to be an exorcist, but their "patient's" husband (as well as a trigger-happy local sheriff) don't trust our heroes' intentions. Elsewhere, a social worker (John Cho) takes care of troubled adolescents (including Deadpool's Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Brianna Hildebrand!) at an island estate. On the night of a very important visit, one of the kids begins to display bizarre and dangerous behavior. [more inside]
Bates Motel: Inseparable Season 5, Ep 7
Norman and Mother come together as trouble looms large; Romero convalesces with the help of an old friend; trouble looms large.
Hap and Leonard: Holy Mojo Season 2, Ep 3
Grisly new evidence leads Hap and Leonard on a wild goose chase across town. The guys' passions flare, threatening to derail the investigation.
Bates Motel: Marion Season 5, Ep 6
Marion Crane checks in at the Bates Motel.
Hap and Leonard: Ticking Mojo Season 2, Ep 2
Hap and Florida scheme to free Leonard from a dire situation. Odd clues bring Hap and Leonard to a cryptic person of interest in the case.
Bates Motel: Dreams Die First Season 5, Ep 5
Norman attempts to piece together Mother's movements. In Seattle, Dylan and Emma confront an ugly truth, while Sam's girlfriend Marion makes a spur-of-the-moment decision with far-reaching consequences.
Bates Motel: Hidden Season 5, Ep 4
The new sheriff in town circles closer to Norman. Chick shows a flair for the dramatic.
Bates Motel: Bad Blood Season 5, Ep 3
Chick begins to understand what's really going on. Romero makes a decision. [more inside]
Bates Motel: The Convergence of the Twain Season 5, Ep 2
Caleb pays a visit. Chick proposes a bargain. Norman makes friends.
Bates Motel: Dark Paradise Season 5, Ep 1
The final season begins. [more inside]
Movie: Mother, May I Sleep with Danger?
A college girl introduces her mother to her girlfriend... who happens to be a vampire. [more inside]
Bates Motel: Norman Season 4, Ep 10
The season finale. [more inside]
Bates Motel: Forever Season 4, Ep 9
Norma and Norman attempt to reconnect as they plan for the future; Dylan and Romero decide to take action for Norman's own good. [more inside]
American Horror Story: Be Our Guest Season 5, Ep 12
Everybody dies, probably. I don't know. Look, this is the fifth season of this show, you know how things go around here. [more inside]
Movie: Kiss of the Damned
Sexy vampires and their sexy vampire problems. [more inside]
MeFi Horror Club: Kiss of the Damned
Next time on MeFi Horror Club, it's our first film for 2016: Xan Cassavettes's Kiss of the Damned (2013)! Discussion thread to go live on Friday, January 8. [more inside]
Movie: Here Comes the Devil
A married couple's children disappear on a day trip into the mountains outside Tijuana. That's bad. Then they come back. That's worse. [more inside]
MeFi Horror Club: Here Comes the Devil
A married couple's children disappear on a day trip into the mountains outside Tijuana. That's bad. Then they come back. That's worse. Here Comes the Devil is the next MeFi Horror Club pick. [more inside]
American Horror Story: Curtain Call Season 4, Ep 13
The Freaks rebel against new management. Dandy prepares for his debut performance. Elsa arrives in Tinseltown.
American Horror Story: Show Stoppers Season 4, Ep 12
Dandy gives the Twins troubling information about Chester. Maggie vows to prove her loyalty to Jimmy. The Freaks enforce their harsh code of justice.
American Horror Story: Magical Thinking Season 4, Ep 11
Elsa prepares for her move to Hollywood. The Twins grow enamored with a traveling salesman. Dell plots Jimmy's escape from police custody. [more inside]
American Horror Story: Orphans Season 4, Ep 10
The death of a Freak sparks troubling behavior in Pepper. Elsa reveals the history of the Freak Show. Desiree grows suspicious of Maggie.
American Horror Story: Tupperware Party Massacre Season 4, Ep 9
In the wake of a tragic loss, Jimmy sinks into a drunken despair. A reading from Maggie spurs Dandy to action. Stanley and Elsa track down the Twins.
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