95 posts tagged with jasikanicole and fringe.
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Fringe: An Enemy of Fate Rewatch Season 5, Ep 13
As the Observers close in, Walter and September desperately work to complete the plan, but one obstacle after another hinders their progress. [more inside]
Fringe: Liberty Rewatch Season 5, Ep 12
As the Observers evaluate Michael and begin to learn of his abilities and potential, Olivia embarks on a dangerous quest to rescue him.
Fringe: The Boy Must Live Rewatch Season 5, Ep 11
Walter’s plan to defeat the Observers is finally revealed, while a former ally reunites with the team after 21 years.
Fringe: Black Blotter Rewatch Season 5, Ep 9
Walter drops acid and hallucinates some advice, including about the missing parts of his brain. It doesn't seem to help with The Plan. The rest of the team follow the radio signals on the device they retrieved, and get a surprise.
Fringe: The Human Kind Rewatch Season 5, Ep 8
Following the bread crumbs, Olivia collects a truck with cargo from a scrap yard but runs into bounty hunters. Peter, with newly gained powers, has to make a decision.
Fringe: Five - Twenty - Ten Rewatch Season 5, Ep 7
Peter and Anil set up a bombing using a (flashback!) Fringe event. William Bell lends a hand with the plan, and the team has to go to Nina Sharp for help. [more inside]
Fringe: Five-Twenty-Ten Rewatch Season 5, Ep 7
The plan starts to come together, and the team starts to fall apart.
Fringe: Through the Looking Glass and What Walter Found Ther Rewatch Season 5, Ep 6
Walter sidesteps the Observers. The team watches a tape. Olivia has a firearms malfunction.
Peter makes a grave mistake.
Fringe: An Origin Story Rewatch Season 5, Ep 5
Olivia and Peter cope in different ways.
Fringe: The Bullet That Saved The World Rewatch Season 5, Ep 4
An act of kindness by Peter draws attention to Etta. The Observers deal with an infiltrator and we learn of a resistance leader known as the Dove and coincidentally that that Phillip Broyles is working with the Observers.
Fringe: The Recordist Season 5, Ep 3
Unforeseen events lead the rogue Fringe team to a forest that is home to people devoted to recording human history.
Fringe: In Absentia Rewatch Season 5, Ep 2
Harvard is now a secret observer installation. But Walter remembers an entrance that will give him access to his lab and perhaps a way to recover his plan to rid the world of the Observers. Olivia gets a distasteful look at Observer interrogation methods as Etta questions a loyalist security guard in hopes of finding a way to restore power to the lab. As Olivia and Etta disagree on how to dispose of their captive they gain a greater appreciation of each others character.
Fringe: Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11 Rewatch Season 5, Ep 1
In the year 2036, Peter, Astrid, Walter, and Etta set out to find Olivia and free her from amber. Once they do, they discover she holds the key to finding the plans for a weapon to defeat the Observers... but Walter is captured and interrogated for the same information.
Fringe: Brave New World pt 2 Rewatch Season 4, Ep 22
The Team races to stop William Bell. [more inside]
Fringe: Brave New World Rewatch Season 4, Ep 21
People in an office complex begin to spontaneously combust. Walter identifies nanites as the culprit, and a familiar face as the source. The last few moves of the game are becoming clear as patterns collapse and pieces must be sacrificed.
Fringe: Worlds Apart Rewatch Season 4, Ep 20
Earthquakes are occurring simultaneously on both side. Our old enemy, David Robert Jones, is moving closer to finalizing his plan. And he has a few soldiers in black and grey working for him. Can the team stop him, or will they need to sever the Bridge, and doom one world? [more inside]
Fringe: Letters of Transit Rewatch Season 4, Ep 19
It's 2036, and things are different. [more inside]
Fringe: The Consultant Rewatch Season 4, Ep 18
People are dying simultaneously in both universes from the same cause. Walter crosses over to help Fringe Division - Fauxlivia, BBroyles, Agent Lee and Astrid2 - catch whoever is experimenting with the Universes. And Walter references Sherlock Holmes (who?) to help them find the mole.
Fringe: Everything In Its Right Place Rewatch Season 4, Ep 17
Agent Lee feels out-of-sorts with all the changes going on around him, and decides to take a working vacation on the Other Side. There, he faces an existential dilemma: is it your environment, your upbringing, or your decisions that make you who you are?
Fringe: Nothing Is As It Seems Rewatch Season 4, Ep 16
A man on a passenger plain gets increasingly agitated, and engages in drug seeking behavior. Then he transforms into a hideous beast. Peter swears he's seen this before (as have we?), but something's a little .... off.
Fringe: A Short Story About Love Rewatch Season 4, Ep 15
Love! Love Will Keep Us Together (Unless It Kills Us First) - Olivia hunts a perfumed pervert while Peter finds a beacon that guides him to romantic enlightenment
Fringe: The End Of All Things Rewatch Season 4, Ep 14
Olivia wakes up with Nina Sharp(?!) , the prisoners of David Robert Jones. Walter, Astrid, Nina Sharp(?!) and Lincoln race to find them, while Peter tries to enlist the help of a man in a gray flannel suit.
Fringe: A Better Human Being Rewatch Season 4, Ep 13
A young man in a mental asylum, diagnosed with schizophrenia, learns that the voices he's been hearing may not be just in his head after all. Olivia gets some extra memories, Lincoln tries to be menacing, Walter's drug experimentation continues unabated, and Peter looks concerned
Fringe: Welcome to Westfield Rewatch Season 4, Ep 12
Peter, Olivia and Walter come face to face with a mysterious and terrifying Fringe event as they get trapped in a town that there's no escaping.
Fringe: Making Angels Rewatch Season 4, Ep 11
Our Astrid gets an unexpected visit from her Alternate, while Peter and Olivia track a killer using a toxin that has yet to be invented. Both universes collide in a case that pushes the boundaries of what is possible.
Fringe: Forced Perspective Rewatch Season 4, Ep 10
A girl with the ability to predict the deaths of those around her pops up on the Fringe team's radar. Olivia wants to know if what the bald man said would happen, while Peter has to help Walter get his confidence back.
Fringe: Enemy Of My Enemy Rewatch Season 4, Ep 9
Peter gets the two Fringe teams to work together (OR DO THEY?) to confront an old enemy.
Fringe: Back to Where You've Never Been Rewatch Season 4, Ep 8
Peter, frustrated at being stuck with people who don't remember him, decides to ask Walternate for help rebuilding The Machine to get him back. But with a new batch of shapeshifters running around, he'll need friends to get across. [more inside]
Fringe: Wallflower Rewatch Season 4, Ep 7
The team hunts a .... ghost? No, not a ghost, as ghosts don't bleed. Massive Dynamic is implicated in some ethically-challenged medical testing, and swears it's all in the past.
Fringe: And Those We've Left Behind Rewatch Season 4, Ep 6
The Fringe team, with the help of Peter, investigate a series of time-loop anomalies. The patter leads them to an electrical engineer married to a theoretical physicist.
Fringe: Novation Rewatch Season 4, Ep 5
Peter gets interviewed and does some hobby electronics work. Nina Sharp shares childhood memories with her foster daughter. Olivia and the team chase down a new kind of shapeshifter.
Fringe: Subject 9 Rewatch Season 4, Ep 4
A mysterious force follows Olivia around. Walter screws up his courage to the sticking place. The Corteixphan Kids stage a reunion. Nina Sharp shows her mothering side. Peter makes a splash.
Fringe: Alone in the World Rewatch Season 4, Ep 3
A boy makes a friend.
Fringe: One Night In October Rewatch Season 4, Ep 2
When the Other Side is stymied while hunting a serial killer, they recruit his counterpart to profile him.
Fringe: Neither Here Nor There Rewatch Season 4, Ep 1
Agent Lincoln Lee is introduced to the team via the unnerving death of his partner. Olivia and Fauxlivia snipe at each other while trading secrets. Walter is (justifiably?) paranoid about Walternate. And the Observers discuss Mr. Not-Appearing-In-This-Episode.
Redverse? Blueverse? Welcome to the Amberverse.
Fringe: The Day We Died Rewatch Season 3, Ep 22
Peter steps into the Machine, and wakes up in front of a memorial to September 11 ... that was dedicated in 2021.
Fringe: The Last Sam Weiss Rewatch Season 3, Ep 21
Sam expands on the emotional state of the Machine. Walter gets inspiration from Poor Richard. Ostrich makes several helpful suggestions. Olivia is a piece of work. Peter catches a cab. [more inside]
Fringe: 6:02 AM EST Rewatch Season 3, Ep 20
The Machine turns on.
Fringe: Bloodline Rewatch Season 3, Ep 18
Olivia goes to the doctor. Lincoln and Charlie catch a cab. EvilBrandon is evil.
Fringe: Stowaway Rewatch Season 3, Ep 17
William Bell gets Olivia involved in a timeshare scheme. A woman fails to commit her own suicide.
Fringe: Os Rewatch Season 3, Ep 16
The Fringe team attempts to find out what process enables people to become lighter than air and float. Peter and Olivia deal with trust issues in their relationship, while Walter becomes increasingly obsessed with retrieving William Bell's consciousness from beyond the grave - and repairing the damage he's done.
Fringe: 6B Rewatch Season 3, Ep 14
In which Walter declares ghosts are beyond the bounds of possibility, Amber within the bounds of possibility, and everyone gets all quantum entangled up in each other.
Fringe: Immortality Rewatch Season 3, Ep 13
Col. Broyle's absences leads to Lincoln's promotion. Fauxlivia reunites with her boyfriend at the Empire State Building airship dock, where they find a sheep parasite that was thought to have died out when they did. Someone is running tests again, and Walternate faces a difficult ethical decision from B-randon.
Fringe: Concentrate & Ask Again Rewatch Season 3, Ep 12
Nina meets with Olivia and tells her that there are many versions of the book about the First People in many languages, and Bell knew about them for a long time. She also gives Olivia some relationship advice familiar to denizens of AskMetafilter, revealing that she clearly comes from an Ask (not Guess) culture. Meanwhile, a scientist has received an unusual birthday gift that results in his bones turning to jelly. After an initial lead proves less than successful, Walter thinks another survivor of the Cortixephan trials may be able to help using his ability to read minds. As a special bonus, we get to see Olivia dressed to the nines. [more inside]
Fringe: Reciprocity Rewatch Season 3, Ep 11
Massive Dynamic is working on assembling the parts of the Machine but they can't get it to work - until the Fringe team comes for a visit and the Machine seems to wake up in response to Peter's presence. Meanwhile, more shapeshifters seem to have infiltrated MD and someone seems to be killing them. Astrid is already working on decoding the notes Fauxlivia made on her left-behind laptop and is trying to figure out who the other shapeshifters are before whoever's killing them gets to them. Olivia might be able to help, but can she deal with what Fauxlivia wrote about her relationship with Peter? Meanwhile2 Peter is being tested to see why the Machine likes him so much. [more inside]
Fringe: The Firefly Season 3, Ep 10
Walter is determined to make himself smarter to compensate for the missing bits of his brain. Meanwhile, one of his musical idols, Roscoe Joyce from Violet Sedan Chair, has had a visit from his long-dead son, and Walter generously offers to spring him from the retirement home to try to help him figure out what it all means (perhaps aided by the perfect strawberry milkshake). After the Observer saves a young woman's life, things start to get very complicated. [more inside]
Fringe: Marionette Rewatch Season 3, Ep 9
A very polite, well-dressed gentleman keeps apologising to people for doing dreadful things to them, and the Fringe team - including Olivia, now returned from the Red Universe - have to figure out what he's up to. Walter gives Peter some human relations advice for a change. Olivia has to confront the knowledge that everyone seems to have accepted Fauxlivia in her place, including Peter. Sometimes the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Fringe: Entrada Rewatch Season 3, Ep 8
Late night phone call — Να είναι καλύτερο άνθρωπο από τον πατέρα του — extraction needed — the wrong laptop — Brandon asks for some spare parts — the temptress and her vagenda — pastry seductions and epiphanies — we need heroes like you — plea for help — a moral dilemma and a decision — meanwhile, a hostage situation at Penn Station — something more, in photos — just relax, no pressure — swapsies — late to work — payback.
Fringe: The Abducted Rewatch Season 3, Ep 7
A dramatic haircut — close your eyes and count to three — breakfast with Henry — the Candyman can — growing suspicions — sucking the life out of them —plagiarising Aeschylus — previous victim — red vines? — a walk on the beach — two men or one? — abducting children for God — I'm with the FBI — Broyles won't forget — a man with a boat — teaching lessons — more suspicions — a night swim — passing on a message — Casablanca? Didn't that have Reagan in it? — still more suspicions.
Fringe: 6955 kHz Season 3, Ep 6
"It's starting." Lost time and lost memory. Breakfast in bed. Walter spits the dummy. Numbers stations are totally a thing. The floating cube. Interesting use for a wa-wa pedal. Peter spits the dummy. The First People. Fauxlivia spits the dummy. Astrid figures it out. Initiate Phase Two. [more inside]
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