8 posts tagged with metafilter.
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Crosspost: Moderation committee and MetaFilter
The Interim Board of The MetaFilter Community Foundation has moved ahead with creating a moderation oversight committee. Here's more information and how to get involved. If this is not your jam, no worries, there will be additional opportunities to get involved and support MetaFilter. That's it, that's the cross-post. But this being Fanfare, a few clips below. [more inside]
Upcoming: ff🗣️🎙️Got a question for MetaFilter's AMA podcast?🗣️🎙️
As part of the events for this year's fundraising we'll have an Ask the Mods Anything Podcast. Come check out the post with the deets on how to submit your questions!
Upcoming: 🔔MetaFilter Transitional Board Volunteers Wanted!🔔
📣📣🫱🏿👋🏽🖐🏼✋Hi everyone,✋🖐🏼👋🏽🫱🏿📣📣
MetaFilter is beginning the transition to becoming a non-profit (seee this thread ) and to begin that process, a temporary transitional board is needed. This board of volunteers would establish a basic framework for the future site, along with defining what to look for in an Executive Director
We have several volunteers already, but most are based in the United States and have similar backgrounds, so we’re casting our net wider to encourage a more globally diverse board.
Interested? Let us know in the October 18, 2023 MetaTalk thread about changing the site to nonprofit.
Special Event: 📢📢📢 Week 3 Update – With your help, we’re charting a way forward.
The Week 3 Fundraising Update is live on MetaTalk. We’ve blown past our Survive target thanks to you, and are well on our way to being able to 🌱Revive🌱 Metafilter! [more inside]
Special Event: 📢📢📢 Week 2 Fundraiser Update: With your help the site will SURVIVE.
📢📢📢Now, we ask you to help REVIVE Metafilter📢📢📢
As of today’s fundraising update, we’re only $500 a month away from our Survive target!* The community is coming together to keep the lights on at our shared online home. But we need to go further to safeguard Metafilter’s future. It’s time to 🌱Revive Metafilter.🌱 [more inside]
Special Event: Urgent Site Fundraising Appeal: Metafilter Needs Immediate Help
THIS IS NOT A DRILL: METAFILTER IS OUT OF MONEY. In the past 18 months, Metafilter has spent $57k more than it has taken in. Each month saw expenses exceed revenue. . . .the site's cash reserves were siphoned to make up the shortfall. They are now gone. Monthly operating expenses are currently about $20k per month, or a little more. Monthly income is about $14k. We need to bring in an additional $7k/month just to keep the lights on. If you would consider giving or giving more, now is the time to do that. [more inside]
Special Event: Self-nominations are due Aug 7 for the Mefi Steering Committee!
📬 Hello again! 📩
Just a reminder that the self-nominations for the inaugural Metafilter Steering Committee (SC) close on August 7th!
The purpose of said committee will be to develop and implement site policy, code updates, and ensure the financial health of the site, i.e. help guide the direction of the overall site and act as the voice of the community.
Interested? Come over to Metatalk to view details and learn how to apply by August 7th!
Dune Elsewhere On MeFi
Here's an experiment: Dune comes up on not-FanFare now and then for one reason or another, so why not have a thread up here in our suspensor-levitated clubhouse for collating and kibitzing about that stuff when it comes along? [more inside]