6 posts tagged with pony.
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Veronica Mars: Season 4 discussion Season 4, Ep 0
Veronica is back, investigating a bomber in Neptune murdering spring breakers. The season follows the film and keeps up with current events.
Previous/Next post for Books and/or Clubs?
Pursuant to poffin boffin's comment, would it be possible to get the previous/next links down for books at the bottom of a post that exist for TV series? If not for books because metadata, then how about for the club links instead? E.g. the M&C post would have a previous to "I am with child...", and a next to Post Captain?
But where can I buy the book?
Fanfare is a great media resource, both for water cooler discussions and as a means of discovery.
The [books included] tag (usually for teevee series) makes me want to click something for a good-ish list of places to buy the @&$!?! Books! [more inside]
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: Rock Solid Friendship Season 7, Ep 4
When Pinkie Pie learns that Maud might move to Ponyville, she does everything she can to make sure her sister sees that it totally rocks! [more inside]
Special Event: Rio 2016 Olympics - Equestrian
Movies and shows by date?
Maybe this is the wrong venue, if so, apologies.
I like the sidebar box art of the 6 most recent movies and TV shows. I'd really like if when I clicked on "All movies" or "All TV shows" that it showed the box art and in the order of most recently posted first.