6 posts tagged with sisko and ds9.
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Book: A Stitch in Time
Spy, tailor, gardener. At last, Elim Garak is home, and free. His parents are dead and his world and home lie in ruins. What's a lizard to do?
"A Stitch in Time" is unique in Trek fiction in that it is a first-person semi-epistolary novel ostensibly written by the Cardassian spy, tailor, and gardener Elim Garak to his friend and conversational partner Julian Bashir from within the ruins and reconstruction of a defeated Cardassia in the wake of the Dominion War, after the end of the series' run. The book's author is the actor who portrayed Garak, Andew J. Robinson. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 'Til Death Do Us Part Rewatch Season 7, Ep 18
(Series Finale - Part 2 of 9) Sisko knowingly defies the Prophets, but for a good reason. Kai Winn unknowingly defies the Prophets, but for a HORRIBLE ICKY GROSS REASON EW EW EW. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Siege of AR-558 Rewatch Season 7, Ep 8
Defending a comm array on a barren planet, Sisko, Bashir, Dax, Nog, and Quark are vastly outnumbered by Jem'Hadar warriors—and their only backup is a depleted and war-weary Starfleet unit. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Take Me Out to the Holosuite Rewatch Season 7, Ep 4
It looked extremely rocky for the Deep Space nine that day: / The score stood oh to ten with just an inning left to play… [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Shadows and Symbols Rewatch Season 7, Ep 2
It's a Bajoran-Romulan showdown at Derna, with the alliance at stake. Meanwhile, the soul of the late Jadzia Dax is at stake in a Klingon-Cardassian battle at the Monac Shipyards. And in the desert, Ben can't remember his name. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Dramatis Personae Rewatch Season 1, Ep 18
The telepathic memories of the internecine feud of a dead but now no longer forgotten species infect the crew of DS9.