2 posts tagged with taz by kmz.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.
Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Holiday Brawl in Chicago!
What do you get when you cross the North Pole, Jason Statham, A Christmas Carol, and the wildly inscrutable plotting of the Metal Gear Solid franchise? Well, you get this live show. Whether or not that's something you actually want is up to you. This episode's game is The Fight Before Christmas by Paul Matijevic (@Ettin64), which is a hack of Lasers & Feelings by John Harper.
Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ep. 42. The Eleventh Hour - Chapter Two
What waits for our heroes on the other side of the time-stuck barrier? Seriously, what could be in there? A dragon made out of time? A parallel universe where people eat time like snack chips? A genuinely kind of innocuous, rustic town? Whatever it is, one thing's for sure: There's about to be some trouble in that bubble. Merle does some successful evangelizing. Taako gets caught red-handed. Magnus rushes in!