3 posts tagged with thelastairbender by Atreides.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.
Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Great Divide Season 1, Ep 11
The gang's journey northward brings them to the Great Divide, the Grand Canyon of the Avatar world, and into the arguing midst of two rival Earth Kingdom tribes, the Gan Jin and the Zhang. In a bid to display the Avatar's expected ability to unite people, Aang volunteers to guide the two groups through the canyon and through their troubles. [more inside]
Avatar: The Last Airbender: Imprisoned Season 1, Ep 6
As Aang, Katara, and Sokka, venture deeper into the Earth Kingdom, they encounter Haru, a secretive earth bender from a village controlled by the Fire Nation for its coal deposits and where earth bending is illegal. After Haru is captured, Katara resolves to free him and his fellow earth benders. Also, lemurs may be earth bending. [more inside]
Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Avatar Returns Season 1, Ep 2
Drawn by the Fire Nation flare set off from the old ship, Prince Zuko zeroes in on the Southern Water tribe's village in his search for the Avatar. Faced with a village wide condemnation for exploring the forbidden ship, Katara reluctantly chooses her people over joining Aang for a trip to the north to find a water bending teacher, while Aang departs expressing his desire to find out what happened to the other air benders. As Zuko bears down on the village, Sokka puts on his warpaint and prepares to defend it against all odds. [more inside]