Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Last Day (Parts 1 and 2)
September 17, 2021 7:12 AM - Season 8, Episode 9 - Subscribe

In the series finale, the precinct squad goes on one final adventure together in a two-parter (episodes 9 and 10) with guest stars, twists, and surprises.
posted by brainwane (14 comments total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Heist eps are my least favorite of B99 - yes, they are fun, but not "real" episodes. I did enjoy it, however. Best line: "Chicky for key." (or should it be "chickie"?)

Odds of a B99 reunion mini-series or movie in a few years?
posted by davidmsc at 7:22 AM on September 17, 2021

I had predicted that the show would end with Peralta leaving the NYPD to care for Mac (I think "Balance" hinted at this). It's satisfying in one way, and unsatisfying in another.

You look at why Jake wanted to become a detective. He loved cop action movies and that panegyric to the rough-and-tumble 70s cops, and -- as his mom suggests -- Jake wanted to protect his mom after his parents separated, and that turned into a desire to protect everyone. But he has been able to disaggregate his desires to do big awesome things and to protect others and recompose them into other overriding desires: to make big awesome not-dependent-on-cop-work heists/LARPs, to take care of his son, and to support his wife whose work is larger in scale than his was. And that vision of a masculinity that's able to mature, productively, is a nice story.

But: I was watching the whole season reflecting on the thingswithwings thread about how Season 8 could go: "what if the B99 showrunners had decided to make the last season actually, really grounded in the principle that I've seen spray painted in my neighbourhood: Good Cops Quit". And I thought that maybe the Diaz storyline would go in this direction. But it doesn't, because aside from the season opener, we never really get a sense of conflict between Diaz and the precinct; heck, she's a part of the "Last Day" contest even though she's left the NYPD. Why? The Watsonian explanation is that it's for old time's sake and that Peralta wouldn't want to leave her out. The Doylist explanation -- other than the actor's contract -- is that the audience would feel incredibly unsatisfied not seeing her in that finale, and it would uncomfortably remind us that her resignation had permanent in-world consequences. That she is off doing something else now, including helping people that the NYPD cannot or will not help.

Whither police reform? Whither O'Sullivan? I was hoping for more along those lines in this finale.

But I had a good time anyway -- Gina's many shirts, the Brooklyn Bridge joke, that last Holt-Peralta conversation, the suspenders and the circuit, the great fakeout regarding Diaz's relationship status!
posted by brainwane at 8:53 AM on September 17, 2021 [3 favorites]

I think I'm just sad enough about this being the end (so many of my shows are now over, and there's almost nothing new for me to watch) that it's coloring how I viewed this. I was never super fond of the heist stories here (I watched the first few episodes when the show came on, but that first heist one was enough for me to finally say I didn't like B99 and drop it; I didn't come back till much later), but as a final way to bring in old characters and all the classic lines and characterizations, it was pretty successful.

I did enjoy the Holt and Peralta conversation, even if the "title of your sex tape" thing has been my most hated running gag. And it was fantastic to see Terry in the captain's uniform. Charles found himself a perfect partner. The friendship that developed between Rosa and Amy was my everything, so I was happy that their final scene together cemented that but also let Rosa be Rosa (and get in some digs about heteronormativity).

I will miss everyone a lot. Especially Cheddar.
posted by kitten kaboodle at 12:00 PM on September 18, 2021 [5 favorites]

I did enjoy the Holt and Peralta conversation, even if the "title of your sex tape" thing has been my most hated running gag.

100 percent, precisely this. I hate that gag, and also I hooted.
posted by purpleclover at 12:34 PM on September 18, 2021 [2 favorites]

I did enjoy the heist episodes. I like when twists are either very clever, or VERY dumb, so...

The scene where Holt told Peralta he was proud was played straight and I'm happy about that. Satisfying isn't the right word, but something like that. I appreciate the way that Schur shows end. B99, good place, parks... Characters get solid resolutions and mostly you can imagine them as happy or content.
posted by Acari at 7:34 AM on September 21, 2021 [4 favorites]

I liked some of it, but there were way too many references to earlier seasons and cameos. It ended fine -- as well as it reasonably could, I think, given the changes in how people view cop shows. (As always, it was too Jake Peralta, I prefer the show when it's a true ensemble show.)
posted by jeather at 11:00 AM on September 21, 2021

I correctly predicted at the start that Hitchcock would win, but to be fair, I was joking.
posted by ckape at 8:42 PM on September 25, 2021 [1 favorite]

I mostly enjoyed it but it was a bit weird at the end to have a bunch of new people in the room. I guess it's just to show that life goes on, things change, etc.

Jake and Amy coming around to Jake staying home with Mac was really the most satisfying way to conclude for them. I always found their relationship a bit weird but the parts where Jake shows he's very clear that Amy's work was better/more important than his were always refreshing (when she is prepping for the sergeant test and he says "I always knew you'd be my boss someday", not as a joke but expressing that he understands her value: <3).

I am happy for Charles finding a new partner but kind of wish they were someone who also loves octopus balls or whatever.

I can't believe the final Holt/Peralta conversation was played straight! It was sweet.

Rosa's Pimento thing was great too - her being able to be in relationship with Pimento now that she is out as bi and had personal growth was totally real, and then revealed as a ruse and her not wanting to be partnered also felt totally real. I was with Amy, just falling for it all.

Sounds like Pimento has finally found the perfect job!

I think the only person on this show with a somewhat reasonable amount of self-awareness is Terry. Talking in the 3rd person must be good for that.
posted by Emmy Rae at 10:31 AM on September 26, 2021

Actually upon further reflection, I think the show thinks that Jake is the closest thing to an avatar for the viewer. But he's weirdly obsessed with Die Hard and Orange Drink and pretending his boss is his dad.

Terry is often the voice of reason, or just pointing out the ridiculousness of everyone else's actions. Terry eats healthy and works out (more than us, but you know), he values family time outside of work, he values leisure time outside of his family AND work, and he cares about all types of art. He wants recognition at work but not in an unreasonable or obsessive way. He has little things he is really into (suspenders) but he isn't absurd about it. So he pretty much cares about the stuff that we all could potentially care about, because he's into everything. And Terry loves love.
posted by Emmy Rae at 2:49 PM on September 26, 2021 [3 favorites]

By the way, having rewatched some older episodes of B99 recently, I can tell you that Superstore & B99 do share a universe because of Sandra! In an earlier season there is internet or electricity trouble at the precinct so a bunch of people remain locked up because they can't be processed out. Kaliko Kauahi (who played Sandra) appears with a group of angry people demanding that their loved ones be released - she demands the release of her son. (spoiler for superstore, which ended a while ago:) Sandra and Jerry adopt a 17-year-old and when we leave Superstore it is going surprisingly well for all, but I guess things took a turn and he ended up in Brooklyn.
posted by Emmy Rae at 9:29 PM on October 7, 2021

I always wondered where Sandra's kid came from out of nowhere!
posted by jenfullmoon at 6:14 AM on October 8, 2021

I finally got around to watching this, and I am going to out myself as an old person for remembering this, but Jake turning out the lights was very much an homage to Barney Miller, which ended with Barney turning off the squad room lights. That finale also features cameos from old friends and notable felons from the show’s history. I’m not sure I’ve seen it since the finale aired in 1982, but as soon as Jake hit the lights I knew what Schur was alluding to. Nice touch.
posted by Pater Aletheias at 7:44 PM on October 9, 2021 [2 favorites]

I just got around to watching the final season, and the joke in this episode about Ukranian Etsy selling arts and crafts and tactical gear hits much differently than I assume the writers expected it to.
posted by Karmeliet at 10:08 AM on November 25, 2022 [1 favorite]

Just rewatched this today (finishing up a wild rewatch binge of the series over the past week or so) and my only real complaint about this episode is that they didn't find a way to fit Vanessa Bayer's Debbie Folger into the mix. As much as I enjoy seeing Tim Meadows (in literally anything. I will always be down for more Tim Meadows on my screen.), I think Debbie could have made more sense as the part of the treasure hunt where they meet with the prisoner (especially with the needlepoint to show that she's both upping her "kooky aunt" game and working to overcome being "anti-dextrous.")

But that's hardly a complaint when we still get Tim Meadows out of the deal.
posted by Navelgazer at 10:17 PM on May 6, 2024

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