Justified: Noblesse Oblige
February 8, 2015 11:27 AM - Season 6, Episode 3 - Subscribe

Raylan follows a trail of illegal explosives in an attempt to pin Boyd, who discovers he's run afoul of a dangerous new player in town.
posted by Room 641-A (3 comments total)
(I hope it's okay that I posted this but it's been a few days already.)
posted by Room 641-A at 11:27 AM on February 8, 2015

He's hardly the first person to do so, but Garret Dillahunt is going above and beyond in importing the Deadwood speaking style to Justified.
posted by Parasite Unseen at 2:23 PM on February 8, 2015 [2 favorites]

Definitely a weird, Shakespearean vibe. I always think of him as Russian, from his appearance in the second season of Life. He also made a good robot in the Sarah Connor Chronicles.
posted by mecran01 at 3:02 AM on February 15, 2015

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