Suncoast (2024)
February 14, 2024 5:53 PM - Subscribe

While caring for her brother along with her audacious mother, a teenager strikes up an unlikely friendship with an eccentric activist who is protesting one of the most landmark medical cases of all time.

On Hulu, starring Nico Parker, Woody Harrelson and Laura Linney. Written and directed by Laura Chinn, based on her own experiences.
posted by edencosmic (1 comment total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
This was more complicated and more emotional than I expected it to be. Most reviews focus on the relationship between Doris (Nico Parker) and Paul (Woody Harrelson) and yes, that's a lot of it, but it's more about Doris and her mother, Kristine (Laura Linney).

It's really complicated and kind. Doris is just trying to be a kid! Kristine is just ... mostly trying. She's angry at the world because that's the only way she knows to be angry. I did appreciate at how gracious Doris' friends were overall, even if they didn't really get what she was going through.

Doris and Paul do have a kind friendship and connect through grief. It's definitely subtle and not heavy-handed.

It was a movie I expected but also more emotionally devastating than I did. I mean that in a good way. It's not revolutionary filmmaking but Chinn is confident here. I'll love to see what she does next, but if this is all she does, I am happy she made this.
posted by edencosmic at 6:00 PM on February 14, 2024

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