Sea State
June 22, 2024 7:10 PM - Subscribe

In her midthirties and newly free from a terrible relationship, Tabitha Lasley quit her job at a London magazine, packed her bags, and poured her savings into a six-month lease on an apartment in Aberdeen, Scotland. She decided to make good on a long-deferred idea for a book about oil rigs and the men who work on them. Why oil rigs? She wanted to see what men were like with no women around.

Much more memoir than study of oil rig workers, Lasley none the less does share her observations of the men she interviews (in the most slapdash, or perhaps unethical of ways), while also exposing herself with almost shocking honesty. The book explores gender, and capitalism, and sex, and oil, work and commitment and the lack thereof. I couldn't stop reading.
posted by latkes 2 users marked this as a favorite
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