Samurai Champloo: Lullabies of the Lost (Verse 1) (Idling One's Life Away, first verse) Rewatch
May 31, 2015 8:11 AM - Season 1, Episode 16 - Subscribe
Tempers flare, harsh words are exchanged, and the trio splits (again), each marching off in a different direction. Mugen runs into a fellow outlaw and identities are mistaken, and Jin's past catches up with him (again), while Fuu ends up at the bottom of a river.
Links for viewing: login-requested and age-restricted, subbed in English on YouTube; age-restricted, subbed and dubbed in English on Hulu; fansubbed without restrictions on YouTube.
There are a couple anachronisms noted in this episode (the lumberjack rappers, of course, and shinai, or bamboo training sword being invented after the period of the show) and extensive episode-related details from a fansubber.
Links for viewing: login-requested and age-restricted, subbed in English on YouTube; age-restricted, subbed and dubbed in English on Hulu; fansubbed without restrictions on YouTube.
There are a couple anachronisms noted in this episode (the lumberjack rappers, of course, and shinai, or bamboo training sword being invented after the period of the show) and extensive episode-related details from a fansubber.
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