Saturday Night Live: Casey Affleck, Chance The Rapper
December 18, 2016 4:10 AM - Season 42, Episode 10 - Subscribe

Host: Casey Affleck, Musical Guest: Chance The Rapper

  • Trump Cabinet Picks - Kate McKinnon, Alex Baldwin, Cecily Strong, Beck Bennett, John Goodman
  • Opening Monologue - Casey Affleck
  • Dunkin' Donuts - Vanessa Bayer, Aidy Bryant, Case Affleck, Alex Moffat, Bobby Moynihan, Melissa Villaseñor, Mikey Day
  • Microsoft Tech Expo - Kate McKinnon, Fred Armisen, Beck Bennett, Casey Affleck, Aidy Bryant, Kenan Thompson, Kyle Mooney
  • Last Christmas with Barack Still Here - Kenan Thompson, Chance The Rapper, Sasheer Zamata, Darryl McDaniels, Leslie Jones
  • Close Encounters with Santa - Aidy Bryant, Bobby Moynihan, Cecily Strong, Casey Affleck, Kate McKinnon
  • Chance The Rapper - Finish Line/Drown
  • Weekend Update - Michael Che, Colin Jost
    • Vladimir Putin's Best Friends - Vanessa Bayer, Fred Armisen

  • New York Now - Vannessa Bryant, Sasheer Zamata, Kyle Mooney, Casey Affleck, Cecily Strong, Kate McKinnon, Chance The Rapper

  • Hillary Swaying Electors - Cecily Strong, Kate McKinnon, Beck Bennett

  • Chance The Rapper - Same Drugs

  • Mrs. Claus - Aidy Bryant, Kenan Thompson, Casey Affleck, Vanessa Bayer, Bobby Moynihan

  • Frankie's Ale House - Vanessa Bayer, Kyle Mooney, Casey Affleck, Kenan Thompson, Beck Bennett, Kate McKinnon

posted by DizzyOnBugSpray (15 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
my grassy knoll and my gassy hole.
posted by ian1977 at 5:51 AM on December 18, 2016 [2 favorites]

She's kind of like Jessica Fletcher, except instead of always stumbling across murders, it's being rendered pantsless by supernatural phenomena.
posted by ckape at 11:10 AM on December 18, 2016 [5 favorites]

The Dunkin Donuts, Putin's friends, Mrs. Claus were GREAT.

Last Christmas with Obama and Hillary Swaying Electors were GREAT (for different reasons).

Gay robots would have been a last-sketch-of-the-episode if it didn't have all that makeup and stuff. New York Now seemed like a weak attempt to expand on the "Student Theater Showcase" concept. I get the impression that Vanessa Bayer had a LOT of youth theater, because she's in all of those sketches, including my favorite (and possibly the first).
posted by rhizome at 11:44 AM on December 18, 2016

Fred Armisen is the worst.
posted by kittens for breakfast at 11:58 AM on December 18, 2016 [9 favorites]

He's definitely built for productions that allow multiple takes.
posted by rhizome at 12:49 PM on December 18, 2016

I really liked the Hillary Swaying Electors sketch, some great gags with the cardboard signs.

Also noticed that John Goodman's looking really well these days.
posted by porpoise at 1:13 PM on December 18, 2016

I hope it's "looking well," because my first thought was that he had a tapeworm.
posted by rhizome at 1:18 PM on December 18, 2016

Thoroughly loved the Dunkin Donuts. One of their best commercials of all time, imho.

The New York Now sketch was...sort of a potential premise that went basically nowhere?

I thought Hillary Swaying Electors was pretty lame, really. Guess I just didn't get the joke.

Chance the Rapper was great. I'm sure his church's choir leader is super proud.
posted by General Malaise at 1:24 PM on December 18, 2016 [1 favorite]

The Hillary Swaying Electors sketch is a parody of the same scene from Love, Actually, where the man besotted with Kiera Knightly's married character comes to her house at Christmas time and tells her to tell her husband there are carollers at the door, and then proceeds to profess his love to her in a series of signs.

I thought Casey Affleck was very wooden and didn't show much range at all, especially in the Mrs. Claus sketch. I'm thoroughly sick of the Close Encounters sketches, even though Aidy, Keena and Kate are by far my three fave people on the show. Aidy trying not to laugh at Kate was quite adorable though.

The gay robot thing was my favorite sketch...loved it. Also that seemed to be the only sketch where Casey Affleck did anything with his face.
posted by the webmistress at 2:14 PM on December 18, 2016

It seems like McKinnon has wrung out the abduction sketches (and I think they knew it too, bringing out Shart), which is a damn shame.
posted by ftm at 3:32 PM on December 18, 2016

If you go by the number of videos on my Facebook feed, this was the biggest episode of at least the season.

And yet none of them are Jingle Barack. I may need new friends.
posted by ckape at 8:05 PM on December 18, 2016 [3 favorites]

I thought Hillary Swaying Electors was hysterical, but I know every line and scene in Love, Actually by heart and knew what they were going from the moment she opened the door. They got all the details perfect, from the "Keira" hair and sweater to the background Christmas lights in the courtyard. (Though I was kind of hoping she'd chase Hillary back out and have some great gift of democracy in lieu of the kiss. Closing the door missed an opportunity to be a perfect homage.) Trump/Tillerson/Putin was funny in that horrifying way that all Trump things are.

Conversely, both the Close Encounters and Mrs. Claus sketches did nothing for me (I don't generally like seeing the same sketch more than once -- even recurring characters usually bother me) as that's not my kind of humor. Maybe it's because I see/hear people like in the abdunction sketch every day in real life. I'm sure kinky elves can be funny, but this? Not so much, IMO.
posted by The Wrong Kind of Cheese at 10:55 PM on December 18, 2016 [1 favorite]

I really enjoyed this episode, especially the first half. Affleck wasn't anything special as a host, though the Dunkin' Donuts commercial was pretty good but I guess all he had to do for that was whip out his Boston accent.

I don't know anything about Chance the Rapper. I thought his musical numbers were boring but Last Christmas with Barack Still Here was one of the best pre-recorded videos I've ever seen on the show.

This was the second week in a row with no sign of Pete Davidson. Has he even been there for the goodbyes?
posted by bondcliff at 6:17 AM on December 19, 2016 [1 favorite]

Yeah, the past two episodes were just okay; I think after a very good season, this is where they are hitting halftime and need a break.

But yeah, where's Pete? I hope he's okay. I just read that he has Crohn's disease, and credits medical marijuana for his being able to perform on the show.

So, if anyone here sees Pete, toss him a blunt from me, please. Whether or not his Crohn's is the reason he hasn't been on the show lately, no matter. Toss him one, from me. I'll get you back for it.
posted by not_on_display at 10:02 PM on December 23, 2016 [2 favorites]

I really enjoyed this episode, especially the first half. Affleck wasn't anything special as a host, though the Dunkin' Donuts commercial was pretty good but I guess all he had to do for that was whip out his Boston accent.

[Riiiiiip] Wait.

No. He nailed it. The Andrew Square D&D used to be my stop every morning - and I can attest that it is totally a thing where the folks hang their cigarettes out the door while trying not smoke indoors. And yeah, the flying coffee cup at the end? I've seen that done soooo many times there.
posted by Nanukthedog at 8:28 AM on January 4, 2017 [3 favorites]

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