Dark Tower Reread/Discussion

Cortex is, awesomely, going to let us do a proper Books thread as a bit of a trial run. So this'll be the place to work out reread/posting details and schedules, who wants to do what and when-ish, spoiler policy, etc, and then we can spin book (and eventually movie) threads out from here.

Posts for this club should be tagged: darktower_club.

March 26

Book: The Wind Through the Keyhole

Roland talks his way through a long, icy night. [more inside]
posted by We had a deal, Kyle at 1:22 PM - 4 comments

May 3

Book: Wizard and Glass

The fourth volume in Stephen King's bestselling Dark Tower series. Roland, The Last Gunslinger, and his band of followers have narrowly escaped one world, and slipped into the next. It is here that Roland tells them a long-ago tale of love and adventure. [more inside]
posted by nubs at 3:44 PM - 8 comments

July 22

Book: Waste Lands

Roland continues his quest for the Dark Tower, but he is no longer alone. He has trained Eddie and Susannah-who entered Mid-World from their separate whens in New York City in The Drawing of the Three-in the old ways of the gunslingers. But their ka-tet is not yet complete. Another must be drawn from New York into Mid-World... [more inside]
posted by nubs at 9:35 PM - 7 comments

April 12

Book: The Drawing of the Three

In this sequel to The Gunslinger, Roland of Gilead must search the beach of the Western Ocean to find the three people he is destined to collect on his quest to find the Dark Tower.
posted by nubs at 10:09 AM - 18 comments

March 13

Book: The Gunslinger

“An impressive work of mythic magnitude that may turn out to be Stephen King’s greatest literary achievement” (The Atlanta Journal-Constitution), The Gunslinger is the first volume in the epic Dark Tower Series. [more inside]
posted by nubs at 12:09 PM - 73 comments

March 2

Dark Tower Reread/Discussion?

Individual posts for each book with spoilers allowed for the whole series, punching bags passed out for everything past Wizard and Glass? [more inside]
posted by Dormant Gorilla at 11:00 AM - 88 comments