6 posts tagged with DCComics and dc.
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Book: Superman: Action Comics Vol. 1 Path of Doom

He was the world’s greatest hero. Then the world he knew was wiped from existence. Escaping with his wife and son, Superman fled to a strange new version of Earth. There he worked in the shadows and watched as a different Superman—younger, less experienced, but every bit as heroic—defended his planet. That young hero died, and now the original Man of Steel is ready to step forward and replace him. But he’s not ready for what comes next. [more inside]
posted by DirtyOldTown on Aug 5, 2019 - 1 comment

Movie: Aquaman

The swift and powerful monarch of the ocean gets his own movie in the DC Extended Universe. [more inside]
posted by prize bull octorok on Dec 21, 2018 - 40 comments

Arrow: Lost in the Flood  Season 4, Ep 22

Following the shocking events in the previous episode, Oliver and Diggle race to rescue Thea, while Felicity, Curtis and Noah join together to stop Darhk. [more inside]
posted by numaner on May 25, 2016 - 1 comment

Arrow: Genesis  Season 4, Ep 20

As Oliver and Felicity look for a magical solution to defeat Darhk, a vengeance-driven Diggle gets a lead on Andy's whereabouts and heads off to confront his brother. Meanwhile, Alex takes Thea on a vacation that quickly turns into a nightmare. [more inside]
posted by numaner on May 5, 2016 - 9 comments

Arrow: Canary Cry  Season 4, Ep 19

Oliver and the team struggle to come to terms with a recent death, especially Diggle who is overwhelmed with guilt for choosing to believe Andy had changed. Meanwhile, Lance refuses to believe his daughter is really gone and seek help to bring her back.
posted by numaner on May 5, 2016 - 6 comments

Vixen: Web-Series: All in one episode  Season 1, Ep 0

The entire season is composed of 6 episodes, each 4-7 minutes long. But you can watch the whole thing in one 30 minutes episode. Mari McCabe comes back to her hometown, Detroit, and the family heirloom necklace she has suddenly comes to life, granting her abilities of animals. She wants to use it to figure out her real family, but where will that lead her? [more inside]
posted by numaner on Feb 3, 2016 - 5 comments

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