5 posts tagged with Doctorwho and television.
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Doctor Who: Lie of the Land  Season 10, Ep 8

Bill must convince the Doctor that humanity is in danger, when the world is gripped by an Orwellian mass delusion. [more inside]
posted by zarq on Jun 3, 2017 - 24 comments

Doctor Who: The Pyramid at the End of the World  Season 10, Ep 7

An ‘ancient’ pyramid appears overnight. Every clock in the world begins counting down to the Earth’s destruction. Three opposing armies lie ready to annihilate each other. It’s a terrifying race against time to save the world! [more inside]
posted by zarq on May 27, 2017 - 23 comments

Doctor Who: Extremis  Season 10, Ep 6

In the Haereticum — the Vatican’s secret library of blasphemy — there is an ancient book known only as The Veritas. Throughout history, anyone who has ever read it has immediately taken their own life. Now a new translation is online, and the danger is spreading. The Vatican appeals to the Doctor. Will he read The Veritas? But can even the Doctor survive the ultimate truth? [more inside]
posted by zarq on May 20, 2017 - 12 comments

Torchwood: Everything Changes  Rewatch   Season 1, Ep 1

When South Wales Police Officer Gwen Cooper witnesses the resurrection of a murder victim, it begins her journey into a dangerous underworld of savage monsters and alien hunters. Her chance encounter with the enigmatic Captain Jack Harkness and the Torchwood team will change her life forever.
posted by zarq on Jun 13, 2014 - 35 comments

Doctor Who: The End of the World  Rewatch   Season 1, Ep 2

The Doctor takes Rose on her first trip in the TARDIS to the year 5,000,000,000, where wealthy alien delegates have gathered on observation space station Platform One to watch the Sun expand and destroy the Earth. [more inside]
posted by zarq on Jun 12, 2014 - 42 comments

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