20 posts tagged with Kevin and veronica.
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Shameless (US): My Oldest Daughter Season 4, Ep 2
Frank tells Carl his liver has “finally given up.” “No more alcohol. Just drugs — whatever you can get me.” Carl tries to find drugs and a liver transplant for Frank. [more inside]
Shameless (US): Simple Pleasures Season 4, Ep 1
At the beginning of season 4, Debbie is a surly teenager, Lip is starting college, Fiona and Mike are adjusting to their new relationship, V finds out she’s pregnant, and Ian is missed. [more inside]
Shameless (US): Survival of the Fittest Season 3, Ep 12
After Frank collapses in his jail cell, he wakes up in a hospital bed and thinks he’s in Heaven. A doctor tells him he’s not dead, but he will be soon unless he stops drinking. Meanwhile, Fiona leaves a dramatic series of messages for Jimmy … [more inside]
Shameless (US): Frank the Plumber Season 3, Ep 9
In a pivotal episode, Frank becomes a gay-rights hero, Fiona and Jimmy both get new jobs, Fiona hits it off with her supervisor, Jimmy decides he wants to go to med school, and two love triangles reach new lows. [more inside]
Shameless (US): Where There's a Will Season 3, Ep 8
The Gallaghers’ cousin, Patrick, is trying to take their house away from them by enforcing Aunt Ginger’s will, which superseded the Gallaghers’ version of her will at the end of the previous episode. The Gallaghers know both wills are fraudulent, but they can’t reveal how they know. [more inside]
Shameless (US): Cascading Failures Season 3, Ep 6
The Department of Family Services (DFS) puts Fiona’s siblings in foster care. [more inside]
Shameless (US): The Sins of My Caretaker Season 3, Ep 5
The city plans to do some sewer work in the Gallaghers’ backyard soon, so Frank and his kids need to dig up Aunt Ginger first. Fiona tells Frank his motivation: “You buried a body and you stole from the federal government — you will never get out of prison.” But Fiona also realizes that any of them could them could be charged as accomplices. [more inside]
Shameless (US): May I Trim Your Hedges? Season 3, Ep 3
Kevin’s estranged wife, Cheryl, and her son, Kyle, are staying at Kev and V’s house. V doesn’t believe that Cheryl showed up because her car broke down. Kevin: “What do you think, she broke her car on purpose?” V: “I think she broke you on purpose … and I put you back together, and now she’s here to take back what I fixed.” Kevin is preparing divorce papers, but forgets about them when Cheryl says Kyle might be his. [more inside]
Shameless (US): The American Dream Season 3, Ep 2
Fiona is dealing with the fallout of having paid $1,000 at the end of the previous episode to manage her own night at Meg's club, when the family needs to pay the property tax. Now she has to be “entrepreneurial.” Lip is upset that Fiona did this of her own accord, without consulting the rest of the family — “if we’re going to be every man for himself, this family is going under, fast.” [more inside]
Shameless (US): El Gran Cañon Season 3, Ep 1
Frank is stuck in Mexico without a passport. Debbie is the only one who seems to care that Frank has been missing for 137 days. She’s made a shrine to him with a bottle of Old Style beer. [more inside]
Shameless (US): A Great Cause Rewatch Season 2, Ep 10
Monica discovers her kids’ “squirrel fund” and uses it to buy drugs, a car, and toys. [more inside]
Shameless (US): Hurricane Monica Rewatch Season 2, Ep 9
Monica and Frank are back together — the first time we get to see what they’re like as a couple. Fiona walks in on them having sex in the kitchen, and scolds them for the inappropriate location (hypocritically — see the pilot). Fiona puts her mom on birth control because “the world doesn’t need another Gallagher.” [more inside]
Shameless (US): A Bottle of Jean Nate Rewatch Season 2, Ep 7
Frank’s mom, Peggy, is staying at the Gallaghers’ house. Peggy to Carl: “Anything you’re good at? How about let’s teach you a skill” — starting a meth lab. Jasmine has a boat party, and invites both Steve and Fiona. Steve, who still doesn’t see why it’s such a big deal whether he’s named Steve or Jimmy, tells Fiona to “just say the word” and he’ll leave his wife. Fiona: “The fact that you would do that, means that we can never be together.” [more inside]
Shameless (US): Can I Have a Mother Rewatch Season 2, Ep 6
Frank’s mom, Peggy, is out of prison. Frank’s response to seeing his mom: “Jesus, they let you out?” “Tricked ‘em into thinking I was dying, so they let me out early!” She had been serving a long sentence for the death of her conspirators in an explosion of their meth lab. She goes to the Gallaghers’ house, and the first thing she does is break a hole in the bathroom wall, remove some suspicious items, and bribe Debbie and Carl to keep “our little secret.” [more inside]
Shameless (US): Father’s Day Rewatch Season 2, Ep 5
Sheila has regressed — she’s staying in her bedroom and won’t even leave to use the bathroom. Frank: “Even Osama had to come out of his cave once in a while.” Sheila: “And look what happened to him.” [more inside]
Shameless (US): A Beautiful Mess Rewatch Season 2, Ep 4
Sheila is literally making great strides in going outside. Frank is worried she’ll go back to working at her old job and realize she can do better than him. Lip’s good advice to Frank: “No one trades an MVP.” Frank understands: “Make myself valuable, untradeable.” But Frank has an ever better idea: convince the recovering agoraphobe that “the world out there is a scary place” — by making it “even scarier”! [more inside]
Shameless (US): I’ll Light a Candle for You Every Day Rewatch Season 2, Ep 3
The episode opens with a dream scene where Fiona is having sex with Craig, who turns into Debbie telling Fiona something about dead people. [more inside]
Shameless (US): It’s Time to Kill the Turtle Rewatch Season 1, Ep 8
Frank agrees to quit drinking for two weeks in exchange for $3,000, as part of a medical experiment. Kev & V take on a foster daughter. And a huge bombshell about Steve will permanently change the way we see him. [more inside]
Shameless (US): Casey Casden Rewatch Season 1, Ep 4
Debbie kidnaps a two-year-old boy. [more inside]
Shameless (US): Pilot Rewatch Season 1, Ep 1
"Fiona's purse is stolen, but a handsome stranger named Steve helps her. Lip has suspicions about Ian's sexuality, and decides he should take him to Karen Jackson to confirm his suspicions." (Wikipedia's summary.) [more inside]