4 posts tagged with KristenBell and veronicamars.
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Veronica Mars: Meet John Smith  Rewatch   Season 1, Ep 3

Things really get moving here. Veronica gets hired to track down a classmate's long-lost (or dead?) father, enlists Wallace to start taking records from the office, dates Troy, and tries to get to the bottom of the mystery around her own mother. Oh, and what kind of medication is Duncan really taking? [more inside]
posted by rikschell on Oct 4, 2017 - 2 comments

Veronica Mars: Credit Where Credit's Due  Rewatch   Season 1, Ep 2

Veronica investigates credit card fraud. We see Weevil in a more sympathetic light. Logan is an ass (Logan is always an ass), but Troy seems nice, right? And, oh yeah, a role for Paris Hilton... [more inside]
posted by rikschell on Sep 26, 2017 - 6 comments

Veronica Mars: Pilot  Rewatch   Season 1, Ep 1

Introductions all around! Veronica Mars is a junior at Neptune High, formerly popular with the rich kids, now an outcast. Her best friend was killed, her boyfriend dumped her, she was roofied. Her father used to be Sheriff, but now he's a private eye, and Veronica helps him while solving her own high-school drama mysteries. This week's episode introduces Wallace, a new student at Neptune who is targeted by the local biker gang. Veronica Mars was first broadcast in 2004, just after Buffy the Vampire Slayer ended, and in a lot of ways it directly took up the mantle of kick-ass blonde high school girl empowerment. Never a ratings success, it was a critical darling from the start. [more inside]
posted by rikschell on Sep 18, 2017 - 13 comments

Veronica Mars rewatch?

I've been watching Veronica Mars for the first time. The first few episodes felt a little like "Buffy, part 2, but with detectives instead of vampires" (and I loves me some Buffy), but as the first season has developed, it really strikes me as much more evolved than Buffy in a lot of ways. FanFare had a ball with its Buffy rewatch, and I was surprised to see that it hasn't had much of a presence on MeFi yet. It's been only spottily available on streaming from what I can tell. Now it's up on a free service called "Go90." [more inside]
posted by rikschell on Sep 10, 2017 - 7 comments

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