13 posts tagged with Season2 and crime.
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Psycho-Pass: Gauging the Soul Season 2, Ep 10
Kamui and his group try to locate the Sibyl System by overloading the network, by using the stolen Dominators on a group of 500 hostages. Kasei realizes the goal and orders Akane to kill Kamui by setting off a detonation that would kill all the hostages, pushing Akane further by showing her pictures of her grandmother's murder scene (actual scenes not visible in the episode). [more inside]
Psycho-Pass: Omnipotence Paradox Season 2, Ep 9
Mika learns the truth of the Sibyl System and her hue is unchanged. Seeing this, Kasei and Togane decide to use Mika to push the ever-calm Akane into darkness. Meanwhile, Akane and the others learn of one of Kamui's school friends, Koichi Kuwashima, who didn't get on the fateful plane. The young man is now an up-and-coming official who seems to be working with Kamui.
Psycho-Pass: Untraceable Children Season 2, Ep 7
As Mika's group handles the aftermath of the drone incident, Akane tries to determine Kamui's motives behind obtaining Dominators. and confronts Kasei on why she hasn't deactivated Shisui's Dominator privileges. Meanwhile, Mika looks up Togane's background, learning all of the inspectors he had previously worked with became latent criminals, and of his family's medical corporation. As the group examines evidence found in Kamui's hideout, they discover Kamui had used a hologram that was aged up from a child who died in a plane accident 15 years ago. Akane apprehends a surgeon who previously operated on Kamui and has Saiga interrogate him. Pieces start falling together, linking seemingly unrelated events and details together into one complicated web, all connected to Kamui.
Psycho-Pass: Those Who Cast Stones Season 2, Ep 6
The episode opens with the MSWPB tangled in a battle with civilian-controlled drones, through the "Hungry Chicken" mobile game. Akane figures out Kamui's intention behind this event, while Shion and Sho Hinakawa try to handle the mobile game-controlled drones, further stressing out Mika.
Psycho-Pass: The Scales of Justice Season 2, Ep 1
The MWPSB (Ministry of Welfare's Public Safety Bureau ) is called to investigate a incident involving an explosion at a busy shopping venue despite no casualties. So far, their main suspect is Akira Kitazawa due to his unstable Crime Coefficient and prior knowledge of demolitions. As a part of Division 1 Inspector Akane and her Enforcers are called in to track and arrest the suspect, who flees from the scene with a female hostage by car. [more inside]
Psycho-Pass: The Creeping Unknown Season 2, Ep 2
Inspector Akane and Enforcer Togane start interrogating the suspect Kitazawa who talks about a person who is able to lower crime coefficients and responsible for the fake hostage. After examining the hologram used in the crime they find out it's extremely elaborate and not the regular run of the mill criminal. [more inside]
Psycho-Pass: The Salvation of Job Season 2, Ep 4
After interrogating the politician Masuda, Inspector Akane finds herself at a dead end about Kamui other than hearing his name tied to clear HUEs. However, Inspector Aoyanagi does gain some new info related to Kamui's motives and ideals for their society from the criminal. [more inside]
Psycho-Pass: Unforbidden Games Season 2, Ep 5
The MSWPB continue to investigate the crime scene from earlier that day at the clinic but don't find anything new other than the same mysterious message "WC?"
Meanwhile, Inspector Akane is working with other people to continue checking up on potential suspects tied to Kamui and visit one of his a possible secret bases. All seems normal until halfway there is a sudden incident connected to the drone's controls ends up causing another problem. [more inside]
The Wire: Port in a Storm Rewatch Season 2, Ep 12
After a setback, the Detail scrambles to make the most of a bad situation. For once, interdepartmental communication (or lack thereof) helps the case instead of hindering it. For once, good policing is rewarded with rock solid evidence and suspects in custody. For once, all the police seem to get what they want—closed cases, busted unions, scrambling crime lords. But for all that finally went right for the Detail, the world continues to turn, criminals adapt, and the scope of what they're fighting to bring to justice just keeps scaling up.
The Wire: Bad Dreams Rewatch Season 2, Ep 11
As much as they'd like to continue investigating the sprawling criminal activities of the (still largely unknown) Greek, The Detail's hand is forced and with the help of the FBI they break down all the doors they know, gathering evidence and suspects. Valchek finally gets to participate in a very special perp walk. Sobotka eventually visits Ziggy, after a stop at the union hall and a quick trip downtown. Lieutenant Daniels and Omar Little dash off to deliver very personal messages to Landsman and Mouzone, respectively. [more inside]
The Wire: Storm Warnings Rewatch Season 2, Ep 10
Ziggy continues to wreak havoc but this time his unchecked impulsiveness takes him over the line and into a lot of trouble. Trouble that spreads and pools and spatters on everyone. – Valchek is pissed and brings in the Feds to assist the Detail. The Feds assist the Detail, and Valchek is pissed. – Just as Stringer's off-brand plan goes into effect, Brother Mouzone arrives to enforce the status quo and so Bodie and crew begin to understand the nature of the new arrangements. [more inside]
The Wire: Stray Rounds Rewatch Season 2, Ep 9
Bodie's plan to increase sales backfires tragically. So String's gotta make some tough decisions, change tactics, take account for the inevitable crackdown. With Sobotka and The Greek spooked and ready to turn tail the Detail has to adapt as well. Their investigation feels on target despite a minor tantrum from Valcheck, and when the prostitution investigation goes international inside Freamon's assessment of McNulty's bad accent is spot on. [more inside]
The Wire: Hard Cases Rewatch Season 2, Ep 4
The full extent of Avon's hot shots plan is realized as the authorities look to shave years in exchange for easy answers. D'Angelo hears his cousin's music but refuses to dance. Burrell puts the hard sell on Daniels and keeps him around with the promise of a promotion, a permanent Detail AND the good police he needs to run it. McNulty continues to try to put a name on his 'floater,' and enlists Bubs in the search for Omar. [more inside]